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Old 05-15-2007, 10:06 PM
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crytears crytears is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default Fibro Cure!

Hi Diana....welcome to this forum!
OK....for a cure of this horrible condition.
Anyone who could come up with a cure....I'd say they'd be well loved and very very rich too!
I think we'd all just about sell our souls for a cure!

I've had so many empty promises made to me...always from good intentioned mis'led people who have NO Understanding/knowledge of what this condition is.
They mean well, but just frustrating to have them be so sure of themselves.

Lots of people make many claims of being cured, by etiher diet, or suppliments,
but when you question them further they either were self diagnosed or had a very mild "case" of it.
Not what I'd call a true diagnoses of Fibromyalgia for over a year.

No one who has or had long standing, doctor diagnosed Fibromyalgia has been totally cured that I know of....if any of you know of one, please tell us! We need to know!

I have read many times over and over that some people find releif from leaving out certain foods or taking cerain suppliments.
When I eat wheat or eggs my muscle/joint pain sometimes goes off the charts....
but not always.
I've had serum allergy testing which shows a high allergy to wheat, corn, eggs and few other foods.
My husband and I began a health program which cuts out all processed foods, going back to a very basic diet...foods as grown, called CHIP program...aka Coranary Health improvement program

It's a pretty stringent diet to stick to....nothing processed, NO fats, sugars, meats or any animal products
Eat nothing that has a face or has a mother!
There goes the beloved DASH BOARD DINING!
The faster we drive thru the Golden Arches...the Quiker we'll get thru the Pearly Gates!

Lots of people with FM have found 100% releif from the CHIP program. I've met 3 so far.
When they go back to old eating habits, their symptoms return. So its not a cure, but is a way to have better health or less pain from Fibromyalgia.
I've found a little releif...but I've not been totally complient...I'd say only about 75% or less...its hard for me because I've been trying to go on a Gluten Free diet.
I have Crohns disease and its been suggested that people who are gluten sensitve have Fibromyalgia symptoms.
Check out the Gluten Sensitivity and C-sprue forum.
There's got to be a connection to diet....I'm convinced of this.
Our Western diet is the worst on this planet....and the Western civilization has higher incidence of FM!

What has been wonderful is my husband is feeling much better just after 5 weeks on CHIP.
He was hospitlaized for chest pain a few weeks ago before starting CHIP.
His chest pains are 100% gone! Wow!
His cardiologist tells him this diet is the best diet on this earth as its keeping most of those who adhere to it are not needing bypass surgeries.
All the men in my husbands family have heart stints put in by age 60, some just dropped dead!
Guess my husband will be the first one to enjoy good heart health!
Dr Diehl, the program curator, tells that many people who have auto immune diseases, even MS have found their symptoms at a much more manegable level to almost complete sessation of their symptoms and sometimes complete reversal of health.
He has many "cases" telling same story over and over.
This diet cannot hurt you! So why not try it? All you can lose is pain or better!
Saves lots of money at the grocery stores!

While I'm excited to see an end of my pain and symptoms but I'm still skeptical on this...
I'm very hard to convince. Even when told by doctors!
I want ALL the facts, the whole story, talk to them face to face before I beleive!
I've got to hear/see this for myself...
Not just some story that keeps changing when passed along.

You can have Fibromyalgia Symptoms and NOT have Fibromyalgia.
Most of FM symptoms can be reproduced in anyone just by sleep deprivation.

And yes...opiod pain meds works wonders on Fibromyalgia....can put a stop to the pain cycle.
Thats why GOD made poppies! Not just for decorations like some doctors think!
I feel terrible for the many sufferers who don't have the support from their doctors with pain managment drugs. ITs just plain wrong and old fashioned thinking!
I would only urge them to be seen and evaluated by pain management specialist, usually anesthesiologist, who aren't afraid to treat pain other than cancer pain.
With DEA controlling who gets what medications, most family doctors refuse to write perscriptions for Opiod pain meds thats really needed to stop the pain.
They just don't want to end up in prison.
This threat is real people...I'll try and find the link and post it here.
Hey...pain is pain no matter what the source!

I detest it when people call me like they first did when I got ill...
They had just the right suppliment or colon cleansings, accupunture or something off the wall.
All promising a sure cure!
I spent way too much money and time on hogwash!
I've got the best answer for this...when they call say this:
"Oh yes, I'd be happy to take what ever mulitlevel marketing vitamins or suppliments YOU are trying to sell me...I'll take a boat load....but since I'm unable to work, have very little money....but like you say...I'll be cured bring it on!
I want all of it...but you'll understand you'll need to "spring" for the money these things cost....and when I'm cured and back to work, I'll be more than happy to repay you with intrest!"

Gosh....why no one's taken me up on this offer...I'm clueless!

And will someone please tell me why I need my colon cleansed????
People! I've had diarreah for years and nothing sticks to my guts anyway!!! I mean come on!

Do I sound skeptical? You bet! You wouldn't believe the nutcases that came out of the woodwork when July 1985 my 36 YO husband got mouth cancer!
Not many calls to encourage or help...all wanting to sell a cure!
Talk about crazies! Big was like the phone wouldn't quit ringing with these supposed sure cures...if only....drink stuff from Aljo Vera juice to chilled coffee enema's....
as a cure for mouth cancer??
I'm not knocking Aljo's marvelous for burns and sores. Great plant to have around!

I'm sure glad we listened to reason and he had "the" surgery, removing the cancer, instead of putting boiled-frog-butt-paste on it!
Mouth CA has ONLY a 15% cure rate.
My husband beat all odds!

Anyway...I know I've written a lot...but one more thing before I sign off here.
Please read what Rose has written regarding Vitamin/Mineral defiency (see that forum).
I was severely B12 def...causing me horrid fatigue.
Most people with FM have severe fatigue.
It could be from a B12 def due to ittirtalbe bowels...( problem w/ absorbtion)
Once I started taking the proper form she recommended, Sublingual Methylcobalamin B12, I began having less fatigue!
Then a near reversal of Peripheral Neuropathy in less than 3 months!
All 100% recorded/proved by EMG and NC testing done at Med School and Mayo Clinic!

We live in Oregon...where it never

We love Hood Canal, up your way just off the San Juans...we have a family cabin there right on the water, looking up at the Olympics! WoW!
I'd love to live there year round...maybe! Soon?
Blessings, cheryl
No well behaved woman ever made history!
I am forced to take one day at a time....God won't let me fast foward through the bad times
Still life is worth living no matter how bad my pain is....there will be a better day....I tell myself this often, and the sun breaks through the clouds...and I smile!

Last edited by crytears; 05-15-2007 at 11:07 PM. Reason: MYOB! I made a mistake!
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