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Old 07-31-2013, 08:24 AM
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I need to get my paper sent off first but from the 2nd week in August
Can you all please e-mail your MPs you can find them here,
Tell them your story all e-mails should contain somewhere "according to figures in a Royal College of Physicians paper published May 2012 every MP may have 760 un/misdiagnosed constituents of the worlds most painful incurable condition, please watch. and read http://www.publications.parliament.u...13070971000003
Explain that although most cases start after a fracture or operation a significant number have been caused by something as trivial as a twisted ankle or sprained wrist therefore the MP, their family and friends are all at risk of spending the rest of their lives in more pain than they can possibly imagine,
Ask either an appointment at the MP's surgery or if unable to travel a home visit so that they can see exactly how this affects not just sufferers but their families as well.
Tell them that the NHS spends over £100 million a year on cancer research but has never spent a penny on research into a cure for CRPS.
After visiting us and seeing how it affects all the family Iain really started to push for us and I think a lot more will when they know about this
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