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Old 08-07-2013, 05:09 AM
macdebbie macdebbie is offline
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macdebbie macdebbie is offline
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Default Anyone Else Having Problems at Work?

I suffered a concussion 2/20/13 - my car was hit by a drunk driver.

I still am suffering from short-term memory problems, and get very tired after using my brain most of the day. My thinking and processing is slower than it once was as well.

I have been seeing a neurologist since the first week, but he hasn't been very helpful. I finally asked to be referred to neuro testing, and saw a great neuropsychologist, who pinpointed by problem and has referred me for rehab (Speech Therapist) at a rehab hospital.

He told me that I absolutely can learn, but that what I learn I have trouble retrieving, and the longer it goes between learning and doing - or someone asking me to do something and me doing it, the details become scattered and it is hard to pull it all together.

He also said because my job is "brain intense" (I am a financial professional - work with numbers and details all day) and because I am 55, my recovery will be slower.

He gave me a list of "considerations" that I needed at the work place - a quiet space to work (I have my own office, I can shut the door), clear instructions and not giving instructions to me at the water cooler (I have asked that everyone email me or sit with me so I can write things down), and just an understanding that my brain is injured so things may take me longer, but I am getting treatment, and getting better. He recommended I stay on my current 6 hour a day schedule, which is difficult because PIP (wage reimbursement through car insurance) has stopped, but my health comes first.

I emailed everyone to explain the situation, and thought all was fine.

However, the company is going through a change, lots of work, and the woman who runs operations and oversees the work (and me) is outwardly resentful that she is working long hours and I am only working 4 hours.

She has been noticably hostile to me once she realized I wasn't coming back FT just because the insurance payments had stopped. It was clear in the beginning she didn't want me coming back at all.

She has started - in email - making false negative comments about my work - i.e, that I have trouble maneuvering around spreadsheets (when a task took longer than she thought it should) when in fact it took long because it was a parsing of many reports, and researching data.

In short, all of my tasks are not being monitored by her where I once worked independently (this is a supervision change from my boss to her in the last week) and I am questioned on everything I do "why it took so long" when she thinks it should have taken "x" amount of time.

This is only adding to my stress level, and is not helpful. I told her as much, and her response is "it's my job to have the office rise to the level of productivity expected". I think she thinks if she comes down on me hard enough, she will make my life miserable and I will quit and they won't have to pay unemployment.

There have been a few other nasty encounters - my boss in one meeting told me to my face "I was not OK, and I was a liability to his company". I assured him I was working carefully, and in no way would ever do anything to jeopardize his company or my work. However, presumably under the guise of a job title change when we moved to the new broker dealer, all of my securities licenses were stripped. Although this didn't affect my pay where I am, it will affect my future job prospects and earning power. I have no doubt it was done because of my head injury.

I'm sick to my stomach about going to work every day, and now the headaches are coming back. I am so stressed by all this I am starting to make mistakes (which I have caught and corrected).

There is a tone now that anything wrong is caused by me - there was an instance yesterday where a client had an issue accessing his account, and my boss told the client he had not been set up properly and email the woman (above) when in fact it was a system problem.

I also have used up all of my sick time (a whopping 5 days) the first week I was out after the accident, so going to rehab will be a stuggle, since I am told I have to "make up" any time out of the office.

I need my job, so I can't just quit, but this has become intolerable. I don't know what to do.....

I do have an attorney, who has been helping me with sorting through the bills and working with the insurance companies, but I wonder if I need an employment attorney. This just feels so wrong to me. But maybe that's life.
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