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Old 09-14-2013, 12:05 AM
Halfnelson Halfnelson is offline
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Halfnelson Halfnelson is offline
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Originally Posted by What is this View Post
I was assaulted on jan 1 2013. I had my head punched into a edged door casing.The back lower left of skull was took the impact. Felt strange did not go to hospital went into work.72 hours after started to sway all over the place . Dr said it was vertigo and gave me pills that did not help.this swaying still persisted and on 10 day was taking to er because of severe migraine that presented its self like stroke. Ct scan came back fine.i did not think it had to do with my head injury so I came back home.For2 solid months I was constantly vomiting 10 times daily. My vision was having black spots than I would only see half of objects.i had weird sensations of water pouring throughout my brain.Break out in sweats had to make myself breath and had a very high heart rate.In Feb had MRI that came back normal. EEG was normal.After all these sensations cleared I'm still left with a constant elavator motion in brain while walking is not provoked or stoped by anything. My brain feels very stiff and where I took the hit there is a constant burning hearing is fine I have 20/20 vision but my left eye creates a weird sensation through my brain that feels very stiff.The nurologist doesn't know what it is seeing its not producing any out word signs really confused as to what this could be as the symptoms are constant for 9 months and showing no break.
Hi there,

I also received a concussion (now over 2 years ago) and experience similar symptoms.

My left eye and side of the brain (near impact site) tingles when I read or concentrate. I can also feel my brain tingling when I walk, run or physically exert myself.

Unfortunately the above symptoms and others have not improved since the injury. They may be permanent so I am taking steps to manage them.

I had an MRI, CAT scan and other tests which were all clear. Although I was diagnosed with right beating nystagmus which is indicative of vestibular damage.

There are however people who do recover so try and stay positive. Get plenty of rest. Many people do not rest until it is very late in the game which slows their recovery.

Read the stickies on vitamins. There is plenty of support and good people here.

Take care,

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