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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,851
Has she been diagnosed with Alz.? I apologize if you stated so, and I may have missed that.
Within recent reports, the onset may commence as many as 10 to 20 years prior to official/clinical diagnosis.
As a leading neuro. doc, who specializes in Dx'ing Alz. and differential Dx'ing -- among neurodegenerative conditions: It's not the analyzing and hindsight that most matters, but obeservation.
If you noticed definitive signs/symptoms (and maybe way before others) don't hesitate to share your observations with the doc/s. They may not be able to comment, but will take all into consideration. (And, that is stated due to a patient's HIPPA, etc.)
Too, whether you hubby should visit or not: That's a personal decision.
There is "staging" that is assigned to Alz. and its progression. The only way to assess that is through a skilled, licensed professional.
On a personal note: If he feels that a visit is over-due, then, maybe it's time. He might find her better off than others are stating.
My up-close and too close understanding is: Folks with Alz. or FTD have both good day and some bad. It's a total roller coaster until end stage.
P.S.: I know there are some typos., but have been up all night cleaing "fingerpaint" of stuff that makes me gag, thanks to caring for someone who is so far outta it.
".... This world wasn't built for people in wheelchairs ...."