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Old 05-18-2007, 09:50 PM
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coachV coachV is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default o/t husband for sale - cheap!

after being married for almost 36 years, i think i'm fairly realistic about my husband.....i realize that he's sloppy by nature and that i can consider myself lucky if the dirty clothes make it into the laundry hamper.....the fact that there's usually a sleeve or part of a shirt hanging out, making it look like his clothes were shot while trying to escape -- well, that's okay.

i know that my birthday and anniversary presents are likely to come complete with plugs and romantic 'little something' type gifts from this guy....but he usually does remember the important occasions, so that's okay too.

he isn't perfect and i do have some gripes....he spends far too much time at the church men's club hanging out with the 'guys' (most of them are grandfathers), and household jobs don't get done....but he isn't well, he's still working, and this is something he loves, so that's (sort of) okay too.

he's also very absent-minded (and i have to wonder where the mind goes when it's absent) but when you're married to a physics teacher, this is expected....some stereotypes have a STRONG grounding in fact!

however.......HOWEVER.....while i truly don't expect him to remember his lunch every day, or to know where he left his shoes, this particular flaw reached new heights, or maybe depths, this morning.

it was 6:30....i'd been awake about 10 minutes, and i was standing outside the back door waiting for the dog to finish his morning business so i could take him back inside, when i heard a chime....i thought that it sounded like my doorbell and suddenly realized that it WAS my doorbell (okay, so i'm not a morning person) i went to the door, peeked out and there's a woman standing there.

i opened the door, looking, i'm sure, as befuddled as i felt....who expects guests at that hour?.....and this charming lady says "good bill ready?".....i responded with something remarkably glib, like "huh?", which made her look a bit anxious and she asked "i do have the right house, don't i?....bill didn't forget he's giving me a ride into work today, did he?".....(you see! - everyone knows how forgetful he is!).

i collected what wits i'm able to muster at that time of day, and invited her inside....i called up to bill that there was someone here for him....he calls down "i'm running a few minutes late here, kathy....i'll be right with u" we sit down and carry on a polite conversation for a few minutes, while my idiot dog prances all around and brings this woman all his toys.... he adores company and clearly thought this was a great way to start the day.

bill appears at last, sort of aims a kiss in my general direction, and they head out....this was a smart move on his part, as it gives me days to cool off....this weekend, he's going to the state convention for the church men's groups and he's leaving directly from school since coming home would be the wrong direction.....and given this morning's events it would REALLY be the wrong way!

maybe i don't have the hang of this whole marriage thing just yet, but it seems to me that a husband who had ANY survival instinct would warn his wife that there would be someone at the door early the next day so that she doesn't answer the door in her rattiest old pajamas (well, they're smooth and comfy) with mismatched socks (put them on in the dark) and her hair looking like she'd been electrocuted....especially since the wife in question was opening the door to a well-groomed, VERY well-dressed woman who was heading off to work.

my daughter's comment on this was that "the man deserves a fine funeral" but i think it makes more sense to try to sell him on eBay....i don't expect to get much, since he really isn't in very good condition, but i'm SURE there must be a market for absent-minded professors....they seem to be able to sell everything else.

i hope everyone else had a better start to their day than i did.
best to all,
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