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Old 10-29-2013, 04:39 AM
LadyMoreta LadyMoreta is offline
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LadyMoreta LadyMoreta is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
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Default No idea what's going on with Hubby.

This is hard to write. About 15 yrs ago my husband went from being a great guy to being abusive. he'd get mad about some tiny thing and cuss me out, then if i said anything about it he'd say i was nuts(lots of other stuff too). He got aggressive enough that i was afraid he'd hit me or the kids, So in September I kicked him out. Up to that point any time i tried to talk to him about it he blew it off as me making stuff up cause i was mad at him.

Got to talking to him afterwards and found out he had no idea he had done any of that stuff, didn't remember it(no wonder he thought i was making it up). I told him to come home on the condition that we get him to a doctor and find out what's going on his health is more important then my comfort level. While we were talking he started pointing out things that were out of character for him. Like snapping at his mom for no reason, I've been with him 22 years and NEVER heard him raise his voice to her not even when she deserved it. He agreed we need to find out what's going on, and is back at home.

over the last 15 yrs, He'd say stuff or get mad and yell at one of us about something and not remember it at all later.

Say one of us said or did something we didn't then not remember it later.

he'd do odd things that didn't make any sense at all. Like asking our oldest daughter if she wanted to play on his computer, then 5-10 minutes later got mad and yelled at her that it's his comp and he should be able to use it any time he wants, and she needs to quit being selfish. He doesn't remember doing that, and it doesn't even make sense to him why he'd do that.

He gets easily confused, gets upset and cannot calm himself down, needs help with things he used to be able to do with no trouble. Up until a couple years ago he was the go to guy for anyone in the family that had computer problems now he calls me so he can tell me what's going on with the computer so I can tell him what's wrong with it and how to fix it.

About 4 yrs ago his got bit by a brown recluse and had a hole in his foot. Got it treated and it didn't heal, he went to the wound center and it took almost 4 yrs to get it to heal up. it also took them over 3 yrs to figure it wouldn't heal because he had a blown vein in his leg and get that fixed.
He has had nearly constant tremors for the last 5 years. Not bad enough to be visible most of the time, but was sometimes. Those mostly stopped about 4 months ago. His entire body shakes sometimes still tho. He also has jaw tremors sometimes right after he wakes up(his jaw will jerk several times) he's unaware of it when it happens. A few times his eyes have rolled back when that happened.

within the last three months. He has had a couple episodes that start off kind of like an anxiety attack and end up looking like a grand mal seizure, he's completely nonresponsive during and for a few minutes afterwards. both episodes were pretty much exactly the same. He doesn't remember anything about these except being a little upset about something tho he doesn't know what.

He has had one episode where insisted on cooking supper when he could hardly stand up, afterwards he said he felt like he was drunk, knew what was going on just didn't have any control over it. this one he remembers.

The other night we were watching tv. I looked over at him and he was stareing at the floor. Eyes open not even blinking. after about a minute he started blinking again, i asked him why he was looking at the floor and he had no idea. Said he was watching the show and the next thing he knew i was asking him about stareing at the floor. His guess was that he fell asleep.....

Hubby is 39. He had an incident when he was working about 15 yrs ago where he broke his nose. at the time he told me he dropped a pallet on his nose. didn't find out till he told a friend about it at the beginning of the month that there was a lot more to it. he actually dropped the pallet on the back of his head and it drove his face into a concrete dock. he was pretty much out on his feet for a while. he wasn't checked for anything they had him taken to the hospital stitched up and sent home. Dunno if that's what started all this but it's a place to start.

He had had several concussions before that weren't anywhere near that bad. it was after the incident at work that his personality started changeing, it just went downhill from there.

He's had an EEG and a MRI that both came back normal. One visit to a neurologist, who wants a ton of blood work done. he did say that some of the stuff going on could be seizures. hopefully we'll get some answers.

i'm posting this here and the general neurology forum, maybe someone will have some ideas what else might be going on.
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