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Old 05-20-2007, 07:31 PM
Jaye Jaye is offline
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Jaye Jaye is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Horse walks into a bar, Part 4

Chris Too
ok, giraffe, you and your savannah companions has to join the protestors (pardon me) activists union. pick up your flower wreaths right over here and line up behind the bull with the bull horns. jest watch us flower chiles from san francisco as we circle around and around with flowers in our hair. da animals don't get to smoke. anything.

Takes up place in line behind the babboons...picks up marching rhythm, weaves deftly through assorted droppings
Serves me right for startin' trouble. ?

Originally posted by Chris Too:?da animals don't get to smoke. anything.

The MODS clearly yells to the crowd and warn everyone that they agreed to a TOS contract and should that be broken, severe penalties will be enforced.
And get that drunken cop outta here!!

So, after a long day of protests around the savannah, the animals were really tired and THIRSTY....
So, the menagerie walks into a bar and the barkeep with a smirk on his face asks:
"hey, elephant, why the long nose; Giraffe, why the long neck; Froggie, why the long tongue; Plucky ducky, why the long bill; and you, Mr. horse, why the looong face??" ?
?The animals all glare at the barkeep with fire in their eyes ready to start a mêlée when Giraffe noticed that the barkeep has LONG fingers.
Now with a smirk on her face, she asks the barkeep:
"hey you, the one that supplies guest services, why the LOOOONG FINGERS?? Hmmmmm?? Better to pick your nose with??" ?
all the animals burst out laughing....
When the laughters FINALLY subsided and faded, the barkeep polishing and blowing his shot glasses without even trading a glance with the animals now all holding their stomachs from laughter very calmly answers:
"no, I am an animal proctologist by day...."
Never has the barkeep seen a group of animals storming out the door as fast as this motley group...


Wellsh, wellsh. Gllladdd THaA0ATssSh overrr saiiyys tfhe drunken director.
Evbverrwon baaacc to wwoouurk!

Old brain
Horse says: I just walked into a bar what do you expect.
Give me an applejack
Bartender says: How did you know my name was Jack
Horse sense
but, we don't take that kind of money have an apple for free.
Horse clomps it out 1, 2, 3 and says thanks here's to ya

"no, I am an animal proctologist by day...."
Good thing I eat a lotta leaves......
NO problems here.......
Not me.......
C-Ya...... ?

Old brain
Bartender clomps his hoof two times and says yep all kinds in the horses bar tonight here's two ya.

Old brain
Ok give me another and I'll tell you why the long face.
Thanks I needed that I was a little horse
just before I walked into a bar a man outside said that he had a bigger (wispers horsely in the bartenders ear) Well I never laughed so hard.
then he showed me


what stupid bar joke they were going to try and pull next since it's Halloween..
Three vampires went into a bar and sat down. The barmaid came over to take their orders. "And what would you, er, gentlemen like tonight?"
The first vampire said, "I'll have a mug of blood."
The second vampire said, "I'll have a mug of blood."
The third vampire shook his head at his companions and said, "I will have a glass of plasma."
The barmaid wrote down each order, went to the bar and called to the bartender, "Two bloods and a blood light!"

Originally posted by jEdi:?Plucky ducky, why the long bill;
he musta drank alot

Spanish Moss
It was Halloween and three vampires went into a saloon and ?bellied up to the bar. "What will you have?" the bartender ?asked. ?"I'll have a glass of blood," the first replied. ?"I'll have a glass of blood, too, please," said the second. ?"I'll have a glass of plasma," said the third. ?"OK, let me get this straight," the bartender said. "That'll ?be two bloods and a blood light?"

Ahhhhhhh . . . how refreshing! A thread that isn't about meds, dreads, or heads!!! ?
In keeping with the original "Long-faced horse joke", you guys have just gotta enjoy this! (It's from my friend, Jaye, from the Parkinson's forum)
Click on each horse to hear its sound.?
?LOL ?Thanks again for the relief, Old Brain!?Peggy

Thanks for sharing that Peggy - so cute ?- sure brought a much-needed smile to my face. *chuckle.

Poe forevermore
That is so cute Peggy!
Is it just me Folks or is that horse on the right saying, "Who's your Mama"???

Poe! I think you're right! LOL
(BTW it took me a while to figure out that if you click a horse the second time, it stops singing! (Duh - I'm slow)
Peg ?

Last edited by Curious; 05-21-2007 at 10:21 AM.
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