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Old 11-11-2013, 06:34 PM
Ozzieace Ozzieace is offline
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Ozzieace Ozzieace is offline
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Default Is it really crps?

Im new here....a year ago i was in a minor car accident, i had a shoulder injury that i sought PT for. Underwent an mri on my shoulder after therapy helped my movement and strength, but pain was still there. mri showed no tears, and PT said hopefully pain will go away. A few months later i went to an ortho specialist who decided to mri my neck, and found i had three buldging disk, but nothing that needed surgery and should not be causing the pain i was having.

I had cortizone shots and a spinal injection which did nothing. I was taking gabentin which i could not tolerate as a full time mom and business owner and it did nothing for the pain. I was then referred to a neurolgist. He did a nerve study which came back normal, however he diagnosied me with crps type ii.
I have been taking clodine and amatryptline (sp). I thought at first it wasworking as i didnt have constant pain, but still daily pain. I continued to take the meds, but the pain had gotten more intense and goes froma burning, stabbing, to icy cold, and it used to be just in my left shoulder and down my arm, but has now in the past few days started to include further up my neck and deep into my left ear.

I do NOT have discolorex skin, nor the skin sensitivity to touch that i have read about. I have started to get very brittle nails that break and peel way up on the nailbed. I am wondering since i dont have all the symptoms, is this really crps?

I run a very stressful business at this time of year, and i dont have time for all this, i really want a better diagnosis....the doctor really didnt give me much hope that i would have any pain free days without the use of heavy medicines or surgical still working on trying to prove him wrong
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