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Old 05-21-2007, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by AfterMyNap View Post
I like the sound of that, Becca. I don't give a rip what it does to my appearance (there's no point in worrying in my case), but I am frustrated that it seems like I've only gone downhill this fast since I've been on C. The scariest thing to me is whether it will pick up the pace once/if I'm off it. Then it's another 8 mos. till I reach this level again.

I dunno. I wish they had more concrete evidence or a test that affirms it's doing something. Ugh. This is worse than picking a major, at least then I could change my path in my own power.

I'm not going back to interferons either, it messes me up too much to justify it.
I'd be frustrated, too, AMN.
Isn't it kind of ridiculous to endure chills, body-aches, depression and liver damage on the off chance that the interferons are doing a little bit of good? Heck, maybe even a lot but does it matter? Having a third fewer exacerbations doesn't mean squat without a functioning liver for godsakes.

When it comes to appearances and those copaxone dents - for me, it's as much psychological as it is physical. I may not have had the best body BEFORE all this (and I am 44 afterall [cute, but 44]) but ...I don't like the idea of hastening the ruin of my body... at my own hands. You've said something to that effect in other posts. It's like, I can't deal with the idea that I'm choosing to do this to MYSELF. Somehow it just seems so counter intuitive. Why do I have to hurt myself - alot - to help myself?

Sure there's the long-haul perspective and all that but right now, it's affecting my mental state ....which impacts my optimism, self-esteem, quality of life. Aging is tough enough as it is. LOL

Well, for what it's worth. I get where you're coming from. Me and the old body might just take off on our own a little while, sans meds. See how it goes. If by chance I need to skeddadle back onto a DMD, I'll do it. But I promise not to KICK myself for making the decision to take a little risk and give myself a break. If you do the same, remember to be kind to yourself for making whatever choice you end up making. There are no sure answers with this disease and therefore, never, any 'I told you so's. Not even when we're talking to ourselves (which I do alot ).

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