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Old 11-18-2013, 05:01 PM
Adamo Adamo is offline
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Adamo Adamo is offline
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Default 4+ days of sudden cessation

Originally Posted by waves View Post
You are probably ok, although the fever concerns me somewhat -- how high is it? Elevated temp and even fever can be a withdrawal symptom, and can be psychosomatic, but a high fever can be dangerous regardless of the cause. If it is high, you must get medical attention.

In any case, I think you should call your doctor right away and report all of this, in detail. If she feels you are in danger she will refer you to an urgent care or send you to ER.

Also consider those options if you cannot get ahold of your doctor. Bring all your meds and be prepared to give the attending physicians your recent Klonopin reduction schedule. (Write a short list down, if you feel you will have trouble talking.)

I think I'd like to see you working with a different doctor, one who will allow you to suspend more slowly. Sigh.

No one, not even a doctor, can realisitcally predict what another person will experience during a benzo reduction, or for how long. In general, an individual's past experience (and not that of other people) is the best predictor of his/her future experience. This applies not only to drugs, but also to situations, illnesses, all sorts of things.
It certainly got worse with the Klonopin, possibly because you are aware that this drug is well known to cause dependence and so expected that from the getgo... my view/opinion. With psychosomatic symptoms, it is tends to go like this: you are most likely to get symptoms you anticipate, suspect you will get, or fear.
I am so sorry! I hope you two will patch things up as you start feeling better.

Hang in there! I am rooting for you.

After 4+ days of agonizing c/t from .75mg Kpin with incredible consistent insomnia, violent physical shaking, insane anxiety and akathisia I decided to go to ER because my B/P & heart rate were exceedingly high. They spoke to my primary care doctor (who it turns out is an expert on Kpin tapering) and wrote me a script for 20 .5 mgs. I reinstated the .75 from last Wednesday and want to go aggressively forward and taper off by the end of the month. What do you think would be the best strategy to get from .75 now to 0 in 2-3 weeks?

Honestly, when I was in ER I first refused a 1mg Ativan shot and asked the doctor if I should stick it out being it was my fifth day in C/T off .75 and would be worse off reinstating. He thought that as bad as I was and as sleepless as I was he asked if I could take another 5-10 like the last 4 and wondered if that would result in recovery or just downright disability and indigence for an extended time afterwards? So I went with the ER. My former psyche said that any reinstatement would unquestionably result in long-term use and increasing of dosage leading to tolerance — as if 7-8 weeks wasn't already fairly long-term anyway. If I had continued as I was I was so animalistic I was scaring people: moaning, shaking, unable to sit still, bent over, etc. Whatever the case I still feel like a BIG COWARD for not sticking it out another 5 days to get through the worst — but would I have been better off? They had told me that stopping C/T off .75 mg would be bearable because I had already tapered for 2 weeks from 2mg to .75mg. HA!
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