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Old 05-22-2007, 06:34 AM
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Hi Lillyblossom,
Yes, there is a lot of negative stuff on the net regarding vitamin C, but there's more positive stuff Seems like the topic has as as many people rooting for it as against it, lol!

But Pauling's research and reputation are definitely making a comeback (he was in the science dog-house for a while, as the excellent article posted by IHH explains) as more specific research is being done regarding antioxidants in general.

Pauling won the Nobel prize twice, he should be worth taking seriously... and hey, Einstein's dead too, but that doesn't negate the work he did. That's the point, really, that the research he did all those years ago, that was refuted by others later, is now being completely re-evaluated.
Anyway, like you say, each to his own.

Hi Jeisea! Welcome!
I'm in total agreement with you, specially about "eating smart" - I figure since I have to eat, might as well get food that'll do something positive. Many thanks for the info and yes, please give us the blog link, I'd be really interested in reading it, thank you!

all the best
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