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Old 12-22-2013, 04:59 AM
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Thanks Joe! So much.

Some signs against it, I
-surely do have MG. I do have the antibodies.
-have tried 3,4 dap which is the medicine used for LEMS, and it didn't do a thing (besides side effects).
-have problems breathing and with my facial expression, I read they do not often appear in lems patients, if they do, they're mild (mine are not mild).
-do not have cancers at the moment (that i know of, of course)
-am in my twenties. Mostly lems patients are a bit older.

I do however,
-have the problem where I get more weakness when I rest, after exercise
-have my MG weakness mostly from the cheeks-down (I'm not so ocular).
-have other stuff like constipationproblems and such.
-am worse in mornings, best in evenings (I figured this was due to taking the prednisone in the mornings)

Can you have both?!

What are diagnostic tests for LEMS, can this be found in your blood?

Last edited by anon6618; 12-22-2013 at 05:23 AM.
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