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Old 05-23-2007, 09:21 PM
InHisHands InHisHands is offline
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InHisHands InHisHands is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 808
15 yr Member

YES, it does! Here is a great site on the topic:

I also copied/ quoted some info here for you:

FOUR Main Symptoms/Criteria

There are FOUR Main Symptoms/Criteria for a diagnosis of RSDS:

1. Constant chronic burning pain.
2. Inflammation
3. Spasms-in blood vessels and muscles of the extremities
4. Insomnia/Emotional Disturbance

Not all four symptoms are required for a diagnosis but most patients do have at least three out of the four at any one time.

The CONSTANT PAIN is described as burning pain as if a red hot poker were inserted into the affected area, also throbbing, aching stabbing, sharp, tingling, and/or crushing in the affected area (this is not always the site of the trauma). The affected area is usually hot or cold to the touch. The pain will be more severe than expected for the type of injury sustained.

Allodynia is usually present as well (extreme sensitivity to touch). Something as simple as a slight touch, clothing, sheets, even a breeze across the skin on the affected area can cause an extreme amount of pain to the patient. Pain can also be increased by sounds and vibrations, especially sharp sudden sounds and deep vibrations.

This makes it especially difficult on the spouses, children, and other family members; as their softest touch can now cause pain instead of pleasure. If the patient has not been properly diagnosed yet and these sensations not yet been properly explained, these symptoms can cause extreme duress and confusion to all involved.

The INFLAMMATION is not always present. It can take various forms, the skin may appear mottled, become easily bruised, have a shiny, dry, red, and tight look to it. An increase in sweating usually occurs as well.

The SPASMS result in a feeling of coldness in the affected extremity as well as body fatigue, skin rashes, low-grade fever, swelling (edema), sores, dystonia, and tremors. The spasms can be confined to one area or be rolling in nature; moving up and down the leg, arm, or back.

The fourth part of this square is INSOMNIA and EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCE. RSD affects the limbic system of the brain. This causes many problems that might not initially be linked to a disease like RSD. Chief among them are Depression, Insomnia and short-term memory problems.

RSD CAUSES Depression, NOT the other way around. For more on Depression see the Menu.

RSD causes insomnia by not allowing the body to drift into REM, or rapid eye movement, sleep. This is the sleep that allows the body to use its own healing abilities. Without it, the patients pain cycle continues and becomes more entrenched. As the body cannot heal itself, it becomes harder to achieve that sleep which makes the pain worse and so the cycle continues.

Many patients can feel they are losing their mind as their ability to remember things, short-term, greatly decreases. Things like, what someone told you an hour ago, what you had for lunch yesterday, whether you took your pils this morning, what you were just talking about etc. You are NOT losing your mind. Loss of short-term memory is part and parcel of RSD.

Other signs of problems here would include the inability to think of, um, well, ah, hmm, just the right word. The patients ability to concentrate is also lessened while their level of irritability is increased. These problems get even worse as the sleep cycle continues.

Do these symptoms sound familiar to you ? Do you also sometimes have an increase in your pain when your stress level is higher ? Or the noise level is higher ? Do you want to crawl into a hole by yourself and pull it in after you ? Does the simple rustling of a newspaper or the soft touch of your spouse send you through the ceiling in pain ?

Do you sometimes have trouble finding a certain word? Do you sometimes completely lose track of what you are saying ? If these symptoms sound familiar, know this; you are NOT crazy and you are NOT losing your mind. You are also not alone, not anymore.
(from RSD Hope site)

RSD Symptoms

There are 4 main symptoms in RSD (CRPS and Causaligia), but there are many more effects that is has on the body.

The 4 main symptoms are:

1. Pain.

This is the major symptom of RSD, which is extremely intense, often leading to a lack of sleep.

Described usually as severe, constant and burning in nature; like the affected area was on fire or in a pot of boiling water. You can also suffer from throbbing, aching, stabbing, crushing, sharp or tingling pain in the affected areas. The painful areas are not limited to the original accident or trauma site. The pain is more severe than what is expected for the type of injury sustained.

Allodynia usually accompanies this pain. This is an extreme sensitivity to a stimulus that would not normally cause pain. A slight touch, clothing, even a breeze can cause extreme pain. Hyperpathia and Hyperesthesia can also be present (Increased sensitivity to painful stimulus including pressure and touch which can continue after the stimulus is removed). Pain can be caused by vibrations and even loud noises and sound.

2. Inflammation.

Inflammation is present in MOST cases of RSD and can be present in many forms. These include swelling (edema), color changes (mottled skin, purple, blue, red or pale discolorations), skin rashes, bleeding in the skin, bruising easily, swelling in and around the joints and freezing of the joints.

Inflammation is not always present.

3. Spasms.

The blood vessels of the skin and muscles spasm causing a feeling of coldness. This can also result in tremors, muscle weakness or fatigue, movement disorders, weakness and clumsiness of the extremities and the tendency to fall.

4. Insomnia and Emotional Disturbances

RSD affects the limbic system, the part of the brain in which the sympathetic nerve fibers carrying the pain and other impulses terminates. This is positioned between the brain stem (at the base of the neck) and the brain's cerebral hemispheres.

Disturbance of the limbic system can causes depression, agitation, irritability, insomnia, short term memory loss and lack of judgment or concentration.

SOME Other Symptoms of RSD:

Movement Disorders - Difficulty in beginning movement of the affected area or the inability to move the area. Eventual development of dystrophy and/or atrophy.

Skin Changes - Skin may change color. May be mottled. Can become shiny, dry and tight. Rashes and sores can occur (neurodermatitis). The skin can become thin and fragile or may become quite thick, developing elephantiasis.

Sweating - Increased sweating in affected areas or lack of sweat especially in later stages.

General Weakness - Body Fatigue.

Increased Tone< - Muscle and skin tightening.

Increased Reflexes - Tremors of affected extremities and muscle spasms.

Hair/Nails - These may grow at an increased rate in early stages and/or then slow or stop growing in affected areas. The hair can also change in color and thickness. Nails can become grooved, cracked, discolored and brittle.

Eye Sight - Visual disturbances can occur including blurring, difficulty focusing and dizziness in the form of vertigo (either the body or objects moving around).

Hearing - Tinnitus (buzzing or ringing in the ears).

Joints - Decreased ROM (range of movement), Tenderness and swelling.

Miscellaneous - loss of libido, relationship problems, anxiety and panic disorders. Immune system disturbances. Inability to control body temperature and fever, especially in the late stages of CRPS.
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