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Old 01-27-2014, 07:28 PM
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Default Nortriptyline, anyone?

Sorry, that wasn't an offer.

But seriously, has any taken (or is anyone currently taking) Nortriptyline? During my last visit to my pain doc, I discussed the difficulty I have been having sleeping. Nothing you guys can't guess - the pain wakes me up over and over again. So, my doc suggested I try Nortriptyline. He said it is a tricyclic antidepressant but it is also used to treat neuropathic pain and this is why he was prescribing it to me.

I started taking it just over a week ago (10mg/once a day about 12 hours before 'wake up' time the next day). I'm not convinced that I'm sleeping better yet and I certainly don't feel like my pain levels have decreased but I suppose that may take time. However, I am having trouble concentrating since I started taking it. Of course, I had trouble concentrating before that (funny how extreme pain does that, eh?). But since I started taking it I feel extra foggy. If any of you have taken or are taking Nortriptyline, I would be grateful if you would let me know about your experience with it. Did you find that you were foggier than usual? If so, did that wear off once you got used to the drug?

(For background information, I do not take anything else on a regular basis. I tried Lyrica but was basically a zombie on that. I have a prescription for tramadol but only take it when I am in a very bad flare.)

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