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Old 01-30-2014, 01:38 PM
wheatscapes wheatscapes is offline
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wheatscapes wheatscapes is offline
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Default SSDI Federal Appeal Published On Internet

Hi everyone. I have bipolar II, PTSD, OCD and a couple of other diagnosis. I've seen the same psychiatrist for over 20 years. Was awarded SSDI in early 90's, fought hard to return to workforce, including going to school to get a degree. Went off SSDI and worked for approx 10 years before my mental health issues became acute again. Filed for SSDI again in 2009. Denied, denied, ALJ (denied), Appeals Council (denied) and finally Federal Court (remanded). Still waiting on new ALJ hearing date, which I'm sure the decision will be *denied* again.

So imagine my horror when I did an internet search for my name (I read where this is a good idea for everyone to do to see what's floating around about you on the internet) and to my absolute horror saw that my SSDI case and fed court judge's decision is published on the internet by some data mining company!!!!

Without paying anything you can see the judge's decision for remand, but pay $8 and you are privy to my psychiatric history, a good portion of my psychiatrist's records, MY DIAGNOSIS, meds, and the federal judge's and psychiatrist's opinion that I cannot work due to my inability to stand the stress of working with other people. (In reality, I cannot work for bully bosses and in toxic environments where this seems to be the norm these days.) Nor is it easy for me to make it in to work when I'm feeling particularly suicidally depressed.

This publishing of records online is all new. These new data mining companies are claiming that court records are open to the public, so they are not breaking the law by publishing them on the internet. Currently they are publishing federal appellate records....that's why my case was published. To make things worse, I am only one of two people in the US with my name. I have a very unique name, so it is not going to take a genius to figure out that this is my court case, even though my SSN and birthdate are not published on the record.

The way I see it, I am screwed. If I get denied at my remand hearing, which I am expecting to be, and if my condition improves, I will NEVER be able to get a job with this info easily accessible to any employer that does any kind of basic internet check on me.

I'm now paranoid, afraid to go to my second ALJ hearing, can't eat, can't sleep, don't want to leave my house, talk to friends or family. Nothing. Just waiting for someone to call me a freak and throw food at me or something. I'm just devastated
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