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Old 02-17-2014, 04:39 PM
Curious_George Curious_George is offline
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Curious_George Curious_George is offline
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Originally Posted by reverett123 View Post
Glad to hear from you George. All communitees need both continuity and change. There for awhile it was feeling like a ghost town around here. I actually saw a tumbleweed go by at one point, but then rea;ized that it was a dust bunny. Anyway, they promoted me to Grand Wazoo or something. No raise on my pay stub but I get to wear a uniform like Carson used to wear for his "Great Karnack" bits. But only on Thursdays.

As for the real me, he is doing rather well at the moment but needs to get his act together on the flu and put it behind. Then he is going to beard the lion and go to an endocrinologist to demand some answers to the most obvious questions. And he is going to make an appointment with a new GP who is about 30 years old and is certified in internal medicine. He ranked patient plus marks of 14 out of a possible 15 patients which should make him a patient individual. Assuming that we get along on the initial visit I am intending to lay it out for him - I have an amazing disease that modern medicine doesn't have a clue about. An awful lot of my friends have it as well and it is time that someone took a fresh look. Why does my current doc dismiss the idea that it may need more than the cursory ten minutes that seems the standard now. It is going to be a hard climb but I think that I have enough material to put him over the top. Hopefully there will be a Nobel waiting there for him to find. With my help, of course.

With the new GP on board, I plan on turning to an amazing endo that the angels sent when they began to realize that they had pushed me too far and that now would be a real good time to go get the wings cldeaned.

This came about in a manner that may give me cold chills. bI was searching the archives for clues and came across an endo who quickly caught my interest in a possible role for the endocrine system in PD. He was interested in the subject, but was trapped in Texas. But I looked a little farther and found that he had moved from that hardly civilized sister state to my own Tennessee. But before he did so, he published a paper on the pituitary that got me very excited. You see, after he published he and his wife came to see that, while Texas was OK, there were too many Texans running around messing things up. So he agreed to give his wife's native Tennessee a chance. And so, like some reversed Jed Clampett they returned to the place that they belonged. Which by sheer coincidence is my hometown. I pass by this holy man and his office several times a week.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. But sometimes the Universe not only gives you a true cigar but also lights it for you and rubs your back while you smoke.

Well, George did ask!

Good to see the synapses are still clicking!

Re: your "obvious questions" for your endocrinologist: these are the sort of ?'s my PD specialist usually answers (95% of the time) with a "we don't know..", which really makes me wonder what they are researching...

After I told him I had gone vegetarian, he told me "good-- there is a study in Brazil that says that's good for PWP."

This led me to wonder why he hadn't suggested it to me before, since he knew I've been gluten & dairy free for 25 years.

Hope your visits go well.

While I am not a chemist, biologist or medical professional, I DO know a thing or two about changing my brain chemistry without drugs-- that's why part of my focus now is on using "Core Transformation" and "amygdala clicking/ tickling" to manipulate my experience of PD.

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