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Old 03-16-2014, 09:09 PM
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Default hello and welcome

Hi Kev

So sorry to hear of your struggles. Recoving from PCS just takes time and no one, not even the neurologist can tell you how long it takes. Brain healing takes months and it took me a calendar year to feel really mostly better

I am mostly over my symptoms, but I still get tinnitis (that rining in the ear) and I have it right now which means I am tired.

Anyhow, I hope you bring someone with you to the neuro doc. Write down your questions too so you don't forget them. (I still forget things a lot.) If you feel like this doc doesn't believe you -- fire that doc and find a new one.

Use some sun glasses for the light sensitivity and when people or conversations are overhwhelming you, then your brain is just plain feeling overtaxed and you will need to be apart from it.

People here do understand and there are some forums on Facebook too. Your wife can join that too for some perspective. This condition is hard on the caretakers too.

Check out the vitamins and supplements stickie. It does help but is not a cure all.

Here's wishing you well. Your symptoms are real and we all know that. There is hope in this though. Keep asking your questions and rest on.


[SIZE="1"]What happened. I was in a car accident 2-23-2013, and got a mild concussion from it. I had some time off for brain rest, got somewhat better, but slipped into PCS in March 2013.

Symptoms I had: dizziness, light and sound sensitivity, fatigue, tinitis, occasional headaches and migraines,

Symptoms as of 5--2013: poor sleep, tinitis, some confusion /short term memory blanks, balance. The other symptoms are mostly gone, but flare up if I OVERdo something.

Therapy I had: vestibular

3 months in: I could drive more and for longer distances. I felt like a younger, happier version of myself and I feel so blessed to have this feeling.

9 months in and I am working full time. I do get tired, and some sound and light sensitivity from time to time, but mostly I am over most of my symptoms.
I pray every day and I m praying for your recovery.

Over a year in: I can multi task (limited) and have humor in my life. But when I am tired, I am very tired.
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