Thread: Dmso 50%
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Old 03-17-2014, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Geordie View Post
Hi I have been prescribed this from my pain management Doc,Not received it as yet because my GP can't give me it or any pharmacist so it comes direct from a Hospital I don't know the reason behind this?

After a search on here is showed up a cancer concern.
Has anyone here Used it and had a Good experience with it or Bad? And how long have you been using it and Who prescribed it?

Sorry for so many Questions but I'm on that much medication as it is and hate taking it so don't want to add another in if it can do more harm than good.

Thankyou all in advance.

Take care G.

PS I'm in UK
I purchased 99.99% pure grade DMSO and used it 3x daily for 90 days on my RSD leg last year. I also experimented with using it on other aches and pains that I developed from rehabbing when I started walking again.

Denise: I went 50-50 DMSO and vegetable glycerin and never experienced any irritation or complications. The vegetable glycerin kept the mixture dense enough to leave on for anywhere from 10-30 minutes without dripping everywhere. I probably could have upped the potency to 60-40 or 70-30, but within 6-8 weeks, my condition had improved significantly enough to where I went with the old "if it ain't broke don't fix it" rule.

DMSO made my nerves "tingle" in my RSD leg, depending on how a) how much I applied, and b) how long I left it on. I had a visual in my mind that the tingling feeling was the result of reconnecting frayed nerve endings and healing synapses The jury is out as to whether that was what the tingle actually signified, but I point to the same rule annotated above.

Interestingly enough, when I applied it on other areas of my body, specifically my aching knees from walking, it worked IMMEDIATELY. Could feel the pain go down within seconds of application. I also tried it on a lipoma (benign fatty tumor) over a 2 month period, and noticed some shrinkage and less density intitially, but hit a plateau and did not reduce any more from there.

The only other comment I would make would be to wash your hands and the intended area of usage with a good all natural soap prior to and after usage. It definitely goes right into the bloodstream, so whatever chemicals you have on your exterior skin is going right in there with it (that's why that DMSO garlic taste hits so fast.)
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