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Old 03-20-2014, 05:50 PM
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KarenEVP KarenEVP is offline
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Originally Posted by Stacy2012 View Post
I would be afraid to just try progesterone without blood tests. You never checked yours??

I will definately look into it, it has been on my list to check things out as I know that time is coming, I am still very regular but I am 47. I keep putting it on the back burner trying to deal with my PN. Maybe I need to move it up to the front burner.

Thanks for all the info I will go check it all out.

Oh, and yes, you and I emailed privately about the benfotiamine quite awhile ago. It use to really help me but not so much anymore, but I still take it.


Which progesterone cream do you use?
First of all, it's nearly impossible to OD on progesterone, particularly over the counter... because of how much your body can hold during a pregnancy, I read that, not my medical advice, none of this is, not vouching for any of it - my disclaimer.

I use Young Again, it's cheap - it works

1/4 tsp. morning night, that's how I started, now Im on the kind from the compounding pharmacy by prescription, bioidentical.

That doc who helped me out told me he thinks this kind is the highest quality over the counter. My cousin tried my brand, said her hotflashes didn't stop, tried this brand and they did....
My cousin makes no claims here either and is also not a doc and does not have PN - another disclaimer while I'm at it.

Dr. Smit of Annapolis Gynocology gave me the prescription kind (oral progesterone 100mg) and said, "This will help your neuropathy." Smit is also a herbologist; is part of a conventional gyno team. Smit needn't have told me that 'cause I already knew from when I tried the over the counter kind because my friend from twenty years ago, another Doctor in Annapolis, already clued me in.
So there are two doctors. Then there are the two dumb doctors, both female gynos, who didn't know.

Bet you one thing, either one of those two ding dong dumb lady docs wind up with miserable neuropathy... they're going to wind up going to my friend the doc who'll charge them 300 bucks an hour- cause they can afford it, then they are going to find out that they didn't know everything, now did they? Not hardly! They are also going to wind up on biodentical hormones, right quick!

Progesterone is a precurser (spell?) of other hormones. Men can take hormones too and probably have luck with their neuropathy? Why? Because hormones buy you time back. Think of it as if how your sugar was processed by your body before the time you came down with PM, when you were younger. This is what hormone replacement therapy does, it turns back the clock on how you process sugar, therefore, bye bye neuropathy angst. At least a good deal of it. That is a very simplistic view. But when I started thinking of the menopause connection, the first thing I thought of was how to buy time back for myself. Then I started thinking about gynocologists and hormones and such. It is known that women on hormone replacement therapy look younger... they look younger because it is like they are a little younger; they trick thier body into thinking it and behaving more like it used to... like it used to before PN!!!! Including on how their bodies processed sugar.. younger, it was processed better, like everything is processed better when you are younger.

The doc wanted me to do a pic for his book of a woman pointing the way for a man to walk down the path. Thats because he wants to show that hormone replacement therapy is for men too and women have already been the ginnuea pigs and had the mistakes made on them, now they are pointing the way for men; less the mistakes and complications.
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