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Old 03-30-2014, 06:37 AM
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Nanc, that sounds awful! I'm so sorry you always have a headache. That must get maddening. I really appreciate you sharing your experience with me. Hopefully, when the migraine goes, the burning will settle back to its usual intensity.

I have Imagran (sumatriptan) for the migraines. I held off taking it though because I'm so sick of taking meds so I didn't take it until yesterday. Maybe I should have taken it on the first day of the migraine. I used to take Pizotifen daily which did reduce the number and severity of my migraines. I haven't taken it in some time and am reluctant to start up again. I am trying to find something that will help with the CRPS b*llsh*t so I don't want to confuse things by mixing in other meds right now.

For CRPS, I tried Nortriptyline but that made me groggy even after a month of taking it. Although it was given to me for neuropathic pain, it is supposed to be an anti-depressant. I was so very tired taking it, I just can't imagine how that would have been if I was depressed! My doctor has given me Amitriptyline to try but I haven't started that yet. I have some annual leave coming up, so I will start it then. She said it is very similar, so it may make me groggy as well but it is worth a try.

I probably do need to sit down with my doctor and go through everything. Unfortunately, I really struggle to be open about how much I am suffering. I go with the "it's not so bad, I'm fine" approach. I realise that may not be entirely helpful.

I was actually diagnosed with migraines many years ago when I had a transient ischaemic attack at work which was caused by a migraine. My colleagues thought I was having a stroke. I was completely out of it and have only a vague recollection of being at the hospital. I don't remember getting there or having the MRI. So, maybe I should be talking to my pain specialist about my migraines. Hmmm.

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