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Old 04-03-2014, 01:40 AM
St George 2013 St George 2013 is offline
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St George 2013 St George 2013 is offline
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Default Eddie :)

Originally Posted by eddie27970 View Post
Thanks to all. Didn't expect such responses. Put smile on my face to see these. Glad i could put smile on other faces.

As to Pain Meds, for over 10 years, I've been getting the exact same Morphine and Percasets from the Veterans Administration hospital. It's 100mg Morphine, 2 twice a day, and 5mg Oxycodone Percasets, 2 each as needed, 240 tabs per month. And, of course, they stopped helping about 9 years ago. At first, it's because of motorcycle accident that destroyed right foot. The limping went to damage in lower back discs. Then to Siatica in both legs. And then to PN in both feet starting about 4 years ago. MRI past January showed all Lumbar discs depleated, bone on bone, and arthritus in tail bone closing up holes little nerves pass thru to later join again to form Siatica Nerve. (I had always wondered exactly where in my back does this Siatica nerve come out of?) Come to find out, it's not one nerve exixting from one spot, but rather several small ones that come out in lower lunber area and tail bone that then join together to form the one nerve named Siatica. And all those little ones are pinched in my back.

Recently, due to "some study" the VA reduced Morphine to 30mg, 4 twice a day. .....about half of what I used to get, that hasn't helped in many, many years. The only other doctor I see is a Neurologist about 35 miles away. The side effects of Gabapentin had me "zoning" meaning eyes wide open but not comprehending anything going on. And I totaled a new Prius one morning, while "zoning" Ended up on 6 Lyrica a day, but had to cut myself back due to side effects, eyes open but only seeing black and white specs, like old TV not on a station, and muscle jerks, like jerking steering wheel across center line and almost head on into a van. Trying to eat was fun. Uncontrollable jerking sending spoon and food up and over back of my head.

No longer able to work. Already turned down for SS Disability due to lack of evidence I could work in another field other than my last job as millwright at saw mill for 18 years. Headed to lawyer's office to day for appeal. (Had thought SS would send me to doctor for more evidence when filling out form on Internet.) Also trying for more percentage from VA due to complications form foot injury.

And no help on pain. Other than cutting myself back on morphine to 2 at a time when I can tolerate it. Then taking extra when I cannot tolerate, such as today. Just to give example of how bad I suffer, have house I could rent "if" I could fix up some things on inside. Need about 2 good weeks of work. And have not been able to put in 2 days worth in last 6 months. Just cannot stand with PN in feet. And when I try, back pain puts me back down. Thus, the 4 and 5 days at a time, laying in bed, with only relief coming in my dreams, where I'm up and about. Hate to wake up, cause first thought is how bad feet burning.

PN in feet comes in stages. Just planter area burning and stinging. Next is the toes, feeling as if in a vice being squeezed, with a blow torch burning skin off. Then it travels up to ankles, stinging, like they are right now. But I need to go see this lawyer. Live out in country, closest big town is 35 miles away. All the Neurosurgeons, good Pain Doctors, and so forth, are about Hour and Half away. Hard for me to sit in car and make it that far. Have not been, yet.

Sorry for so long. and dumping so much at one time. Hope you-all doing better than me. And many times, I feel I'm not nearly as bad off as others on here.
I know exactly what you mean about traveling any distance. I rarely drive anymore but have a husband, kids and grandkids that will lug me around to dr's appointments. That's one reason I cancelled an appointment I had at Emory Neuropathy Dept in ATL......just riding up there would be bad but getting out and traveling in a wheelchair all through that huge thanks....not yet anyway. I'm on 1800 mg of gaba and 60 mg of Cymbalta (was on 90 mg Cymbalta but took myself back down to 60 night before last because I had the day from H E L L on Tuesday) shaking inside and out, dizzy beyond words, foggy headed, minor muscle twitching and nerves hurt everywhere. Guess I did the right thing because yesterday morning I woke up and actually had the best day I've had in months ! Scared the heck out of

For some reason, hoping it was the 90 mg of Cymbalta, my toes have went crazy.....burning fire....all of them, all at once. Haven't had that exact sensation before. Lovely. And the lightening strikes trying to come out of my big toes is always fun too

Seeing as how the meds affected your driving I'm thinking you'd need to stay away from millwright agree that you probably need a lawyer.....I was approved during my reconsideration stage for small fiber neuropathy. Seems as if the problems with your back and PN that you could get disability. Please don't give up on it. Just keep pushing and asking and filing.

Have the dr's never tried you on other pain meds ? I'm on vicodin and xanax as needed and it keeps the pain tapped down but not gone by any means. I know there are many other pain meds out there but I'm just starting this SFN journey and that is the only one I've used so far. My neuro doesn't give pain meds so I get them through my wonderful PCP. She's actually the only one I'll let prescribe them for me.

Dumping or venting is permitted anytime and I sure encourage it myself

Keep us posted please.

Debi from Georgia
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