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Old 04-06-2014, 02:51 PM
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It's always best not to read the comments in the Daily Mail. Actually, its best not to read the Daily Mail at all. I only found the article because I have a google alert set up. It would have been awesome to have a good description of CRPS given how large the readership is though.

Originally Posted by Brambledog View Post
Thanks Kim.

Oh dear. I made the mistake of looking at a few comments on the bottom of the of the idiots said that if it can be treated by physio, painkillers and counselling then that means its at least partly psychological, and that she should start thinking of her poor son, get a grip and get a life...and get back to work. And that plemty of people have pain and dont whine on about it. That she had likened it to labour pains and shouldnt be so stupid. Omg I was a bit tempted to sign up just to comment!!!

I find even the expert docs comments a but vague and easily misinterpreted. I wish these docs would understand that public perception is everything with a rare condition, and that they need to be very precise about what they say. They said about 70% of sufferers being cured, and mentioned there's a problem with speed of diagnosis, but they didn't explicitly say that the vast majority of people diagnosed with CRPS who get better do so within the first few months, and that once the sufferer has had it for more than a year, the condition affects the tissues permanently and a cure is extremely unlikely.

Sigh. Will it never end....

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