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Old 04-21-2014, 05:01 AM
birdman birdman is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
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birdman birdman is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 26
10 yr Member
Default Burning while freezing

Hi there!

I just posted but for some reason it didn't post so I'll change the subject and have another try. I have type 2 Diabetes and have been a real couch potato when I should have been taking the walks I was supposed to. It started getting hard to zip my jeans up so I finally started taking long walks in the park.

I've had some past foot pain, toe numbing and burning on my right foot but once my A1C levels fell to 6.2 the symptoms for the most part stopped. That has lasted for about 3 years. Now after 2 months of walking 5 times a week and altering my food choices and portions my A1C fell to 5.2!

I lost enough weight to button my jeans waist button which is great but for the past 3 weeks both my feet and legs up to my knees have that nonstop burning-freezing sensation similar to the feeling of Bengay ointment plus electric shocks and toe aches and increased numbing. I changed my habits to healthier ones which was great for my glucose levels but disastrous for my neuropathy! I'm following my Doctors advice to the letter and look what happened. These ramped up neuropathy sensations are constant for the past few weeks and increase in the evening. I'm on sleeping pills now.

I did read somewhere here that someone started bike riding again and the burning sensation acted up too. I hope all this walking hasn't damaged the frail nerves to the point where this relentless burning is permanent. It is hard to know what to do. No one I've talked to so far has a clue.

Some people say the super restrictive "Paleo Diet" can help. I'll try most any reasonable sounding thing at this point. Reading others horrible problems here helps me put my misfortune into perspective and intensifies my urgency not to delay finding out everything I can with the hope of controlling the discomfort as best and as long as possible. Even thought about New Age Energy work which I've always been a skeptic of but you never know until you do. Hopefully others experience with alternative medicine will help guide my choices.

From what I have recently read I now have reasonable doubts my neuropathy is Diabetes related. There is a very significant possibility it could be Vitamin B12 deficiency due well documented B12 robbing medications I've been on for years. Sadly my Doctors are just not up to date with this common knowledge. It's right there in the National Institute of Heath website.

It's appalling how most American doctors are clueless when it comes to Vitamin B12 depletion which is very common. The entire subject of B12 amongst most American doctors is very out dated and potentially dangerous!

There are new tests that are far more reliable and minimum safe levels that have been used for years have been updated too. This updated information and testing procedures have been in effect all over Japan and Europe for several years. There are a small number of American doctors that are finally catching up. I watched some very informative lectures on youtube recently that brought me up to date.

Nobody wants to hear that the US is behind in anything but it's a fact and unfortunately it is not restricted to just this this area. As it turns out that in my case I cant extract enough B12 due to the medications I'm taking plus the fact that our current info on safe B12 levels are way too low and often very misleading and potentially life threatening. It's a huge scandal.

Being that I cant afford to fly to Europe or Japan I'm stuck here trying to tease out competent information with the help of others in the same boat.

Now that I know that the common "Serum B12 Test" typically used here is useless and have discovered the updated test called "Intracellular Vitamin B12 Analysis" and which health professionals in my area use their testing facility. Fortunately They are a huge company with lots of locations across the country and a list of hundreds of health professionals nationwide to recommend. I found that list yesterday.

Once I know what the true safe level range of B12 is I'll be able to receive the appropriate injection levels. Unfortunately injections are the only way for me. Sublingual Methyl B12 has no scientific evidence that it is absorbed into the tongue area making it no more effective than swallowing tablets. A lot of people believe the sublingual myth unfortunately and it could be costing them their health. So much misinformation floating about it's hard to navigate.

B12 has very low if any toxic levels for most people. I'm going to start B12 injections and adjust after the lab work is completed. I've read that many have gotten fast relief from a lot of tingling needle pricking and numb sensations from monthly injections. Worth a try and if all it does is slow down the degenerative process going forward it will be well worth it. At any rate it wont hurt you.

I'll keep you updated with the results. These are my opinions and Im not a qualified health professional or spokesman for any company but for what it's worth you are welcomed to research my findings for yourself and correct me as you feel inclined.
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