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Old 05-02-2014, 02:43 PM
cnn728 cnn728 is offline
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cnn728 cnn728 is offline
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Confused New here and looking for others that could help me figure this out

Hi there,

I have not officially been diagnosed with Occipital Neuralgia, but I am beginning to think that that is what I have been suffering from. I will be going back to a doctor soon (husband is military and we are currently getting ready to move to a new it will be a few months before I settle and can get to specialist). In the meantime, I wanted some advice from others who deal with this. I am curious if this sounds like ON to you (I know you can't diagnose me...just curious if my story is similar to anyone else's) and what you do for the pain.

I am 25 years old right now. The headaches started when I was about 18 or 19 years old. It started on the right side of my head right at the base of my head and neck. I got them almost everyday. It was just a dull ache. Nothing awful, but definitely annoying enough that I would have to take advil (especially when I had class or work or something). As months went by and the pain continued, I started getting nervous that I had a tumor (I am a pretty big hypochondriac). I went to my doctor and he sent me to get a CT scan. Everything came back normal. The headaches continued. Went to a neurologist and got an MRI. Again everything came back normal. The headaches still continued. Went to physical therapy. Still not much improvement (granted, I don't practice the exercises he taught me very often). At this point, to be honest, I gave up hope. I took advil almost every day and learned to deal with the pain. I assumed it was just tension headaches. The pain has now gotten worse. The headaches are still only that one side of my head, but the pain spreads behind my ear and up to my right eye when it is at its worst. It feels like a deep ache and I constantly want to stretch or crack my neck or something (which doesn't work). I have a "knobble" that I use to massage the area. Applying a lot of pressure on it hurts...but in a good way. It sort of relieves the pain for the time being, but unless I take advil it will usually come right back and it will last for a few hours if I don't do anything.

I am a teacher and I obviously have to be at my best everyday. The pain makes it impossible, which is why I usually give in and take meds even though I KNOW I should not be taking it everyday. If I am just at home and have nothing to do, I try to massage the area and relax until it dies down.

Does this sound like it could be Occipital Neuralgia? Does anyone have any other idea of what it COULD be? I haven't had much help from doctors, so I sort of want to be armed with information the next time I go see one. I am sick of being told it's nothing when I am spending every day in pain.

Thank you in advance! Let me know if you have any questions!
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