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Old 05-07-2014, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by kevbo887 View Post
No clue, as it stands right now im back out of work until I go back to the specialist next Wednesday. I was pulled aside today by management and I guess a lot of coworkers expressed their concerns for my safety after watching me work for the past week. Im not trying to sound like a hypochondriac or anything here, but I literally feel like I just fell and hit the concrete again. Everything is back, everything. I literally feel like im extremely drunk, and I havent even had a drink since new years eve!

My only guess at this current time is the simple fact that I went back to soon, and pushed to hard and my brain is trying to tell me to rest again.

Also, my neck is very very weak feeling and cracks and pops everytime I move it now. Just started yesterday, so im assuming that my neck is a major culprit now as well.No neck issues were ever addressed after the xray found out it was strained or sprained or w/e it said. It was basically ignored by the dr, so im not sure if thats even part of it, but I think it is. But, yet again, my wife has been doing physical therapy on it for some time. Just annoyed, because I was starting to feel so much better and confident, and now it feels like I lost everything I accomplished these past 4 months.
I'm sorry you are feeling so awful. I feel the same way so I can relate to your pain. My head feels like I re-hit it (even though I haven't) and the doctors are treating me like a hypochondriac. Sucks. Mixed messages.
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