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Old 05-23-2014, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by KnowNothingJon View Post
Hello all,

My name is Jon and just over two years ago I started experiencing severe buzzing, numbness and tingling in my feet and ankles. In 2008 I was diagnosed diabetic. This coupled with an EMG lead to a diabetic neuropathy diagnosis.

I tried gabapentin, though the side effects were too much to handle. Upon telling my primary about that his solution was more gabapentin. So I was searching for answers and a new primary.

The discomfort and pain continued to grow, flaring up occassionally. The symptoms were sporadically in my forearms during these flares. I lost feeling in my left pinkie and ring finger. I finally relented and tried Lyrica. It seemed we worked up to a useful/bearable level, 2x a day 150 mg.

In October of 2013 everything seemed to go Emeril on me, kicked up a few notches. I think Guy Fieri stepped into the scene and declared it redonkulous. Muscle spasming joined the party. I was given tramadol to take as needed.

In November my Aunt suggested a vegan diet. It had helped her issues. I was willing to try anything that didn't seem dangerous. What was there to lose, besides animal products? So I did. I am still sticking with it, 50 pounds lighter and considering a flex to a Mediterranean diet sometine this summer. My favorite dish is lentils and carrots.

So despite sub diabetic A1C numbers, improved general health I am experiencing increased fatigue, discomfort, pain and muscle spasming.

I was taken out by a baby gate last Sunday. I swear it ran the red light. I didn't think much of it. Tuesday just before leaving work my left calf spasmed like I was flexing. I hobbled to the car, the calf wasn't warm, so I went home and used my friend the ottoman like a life preserver.

Thursday morning, still inflamed and warm. After a trip to the urgent care a diagnosis of a hematoma 18 mm long close to the bone. I've been babying myself since, but plan on asking for further testing on that area. The ultrasound tech had a differing opinion on the anomoly and I want it followed up on.

On mornings where the pain is not on right off, soon enough it comes on, like a old style gynasium slowly pops the lights on. I see the look of concern on my wife's face when I struggle at basic tasks.

Long preamble, short question- is it possible for my diabetic neuropathy to get worse despite decent blood glucose control? I've read plenty here on testing and have adjusted to an hour after meals. My reading has been high this week, though I can't pinpoint why.

I also wanted to know if anyone had numbness in their lower leg to the point a deep bruise takes two days to manifest pain symptoms.

I started the B vitamin method laid out in the thread.

It is a night of discomfort. I can't find a way to get relaxed. I get about a weeks worth of this a month. Oddly grateful it isn't a work night.

Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.

KN Jon

What were the results of your EMG Test was the Neuropathy limited to your feet and ankles. I have diabetic Neuropathy also told it is Sensori-Poly Neuropathy starts in my feet and goes up to my knee in legs.

My numbness and pain is mostly limited to my feet and ankles and I can also feel some numbness on my legs below my knee.

I get flare ups for many reasons don't know all of them was just getting off of one of them and after dinner felt burning on the top of my foot . I probably had to many carbs and am now going through a back to back flare up.

It sounds like this a new symptom your leg. When did you have your EMG maybe you should have another one and compare the results.

I know what you mean about not being able to get relaxed when you're so uncomfortable. I myself take a hydro-codone that I had left over from some dental work. Ran out and don't know what I will take for the pain going forward

Did you go to a Endo Specialist and Neurologist.

I was sent to a Diabetic Educator and was given a personal plan of 165 carbs spread over 3 meals and 2 snack per day.

I think keeping the sugar steady at 100 and 160-180 after meals and testing 2 hrs later and being back at the 100 range is good for me.

You don't mention your glucose reading numbers.

From what I have read nothing says the Neuropathy won't progress but hopefully doing everything right will slow the progression or may even halt it is a goal to work toward.
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