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Old 05-28-2014, 07:36 PM
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Hi! I am so happy I found someone else. I have been doing research on these since I found out in Jan. My MRI was in Nov 2013 but my spine surgeon didn't even mention them. I didn't know about them until I asked for a copy of my MRI report.

I am in the process of seeing a pain management dr who doesn't know anything about them. She is treating me for scar tissue. I just seen her today and she gave me a toradol shot with some kind of steroid in it. I am scheduled for a cortisone epidural June 9. I had one a month ago that didn't work, just made me unable to get out of bed the next day.

I have severe pain in my lower back that goes into my left leg into my ankle and little toe. Sometimes my left leg will just stop working all together. I call it my zombie leg. I have hot burning sensations on my leg and foot along with my vagina area. I get horrible stabbing pains, lightening like down my leg. I feel like I have been kicked in my butt, vagina area, when I sit it hurts so badly like I am sitting on a rock or something very hard. If I stand too long I start to really hurt same with walking. The only position that is comfortable and will relax the pain is laying on my bed in the zero gravity setting. Which is legs up and head elevated and I am on ice!! I also have UTI's every month because I have urine retention and that causes the infection. I have one now and I am so busy working 12 hour days and kids and husband and house that I can't get to the dr for medicine. Hopefully Friday or Monday I can. I have instances with bowel incontinence, not all the time, just occasionally. I also have pain that goes into my right leg just not as severe as the left I don't get zombie leg on the right. Sometimes I think if I were dead there would be no more pain.

I have put on over 40 pounds in less then a year because I am in so much pain after work I just go to my bed on ice and I will eat because I think poor me, I am in pain, I can't do anything, my life sucks but at least I can enjoy this food. I am the heaviest I've ever been in my life even during both pregnancies! I am exhausted, from not sleeping well and "pretending" to be happy and ok. I am not a complainer and I hate to ask for help so I push and I push until I am in tears in pain.

I just wish I could find a dr that knows about these things. I have found one in Dallas Texas, great, I live in Indiana. Not many drs even acknowledge that these cysts can cause pain. sucks.

I hope I can find others that have this same issue so I can try to treat myself, I am only 39, I don't want to live the rest of my life in pain like this.
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