Originally Posted by Anki
Hi Nellie, the removals in your case were done endoscopic or open? As mine was done endoscopic, there is more risk for the cyst to regrow. Thx a lot!
Hi Anki,
I have had a second craniotomy, in March and they have inserted a convertible Ommaya reservoir. The cyst has been successfully removed but they were unable to totally remove the capsule due to the blood vessels close by. I saw the surgeon about 7 weeks post surgery and he was pleased with my progress, saying that many people are not even out of hospital at this stage. Physically I am doing well. I felt very sick this time initially and with positional room spinning. My mobility is pretty good as it became acutely worse pre surgery, walking like a drunk on a bad day. I am still coming to terms with what has happened but I am feeling better and hope to return to work in a couple of months. I do have to concentrate harder, no change there, I do get tired though. I hope you continue to feel well and remain cyst free. These cysts are very rare (0.5%-1% of all brain tumours I believe) with a wide variety of vague symptoms. I have no doubt that I would not be here if I had not had surgery (I can tell you more about that if you want) I am happy to answer any further questions, hope it helps? Take care.