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Old 07-06-2014, 02:18 PM
Skyking Skyking is offline
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Skyking Skyking is offline
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Originally Posted by atlbrvfan View Post
Hi! I'm a 38 year old male. I've dealt with chronic back pain since 2007. I used to be very active playing softball and working out 5-6 days a week. In 2005-06 I began pulling/tearing calf muscles when running on the field while I played softball. This happened about 3 times before I knew something was going on. I started getting severe pain down my right leg that would not stop. My back hurt severely. I had had some back issues beginning when I was 15, but I went to the chiropractor every once in a while starting in my 20s. Long story short, in 2008 I had been working a manual job which required heavy lifting. I found that I had a ruptured disc between L5-S1. I also found out I had a pars defect and an extra vertebra. The extra vertebra was transitional and would move. After conservative treatment failed I had my first back surgery in August 08. The neurosurgeon did a fusion of L5-S1. I had some relief and had high hopes. Three months later the fusion broke. I was told I may have low bone density. I have never smoked and I don't drink. For 13 months I wore a bone growth stimulator a couple hours a day. No bone growth! When I sneezed I would hit the ground in pain. Another surgery was required.

January 2010 I had a cage put in. The same doctor went through my stomach and did this operation. I never was out of pain, but I was managing. I started doing a paper route that September to try and bring in some money. I got a much better job in November 2011. I hurt on and off doing this job which was a desk job. In May of 2013 I was hit from behind in an accident. My pain went through the roof. My pain meds did too. Pat my highest point I was in a Fentanyl patch (75mcg/hour), 1800 mgs of Neurotin, and roughly 100-120 mgs of Oxycodone a day, I had gone back to work after being in STD for a month. The pain persisted and got worse and worse. Another surgery was opted for. Keep in mind that in between the surgeries I had roughly 12-15 steroid injections in my back and SI joints. I also have chondromalasia in both knees because of having to compensate for my back.

In November 2013 I had my 3rd back surgery. This was by another doctor- a ortho surgeon. He out me out of work mid October because I could no longer work with the pain. I couldn't concentrate and I was worried about driving with so much medicine in my system. When he got in (through the back this time) he found that the bone put in between L5-S1 back in 2008 was gone. It was like my body absorbed it and never grew any. A screw from 08 was lose as well and the threads had been rubbing up against L4. The surgeon opted to remove all original hardware and fuse L4-5-S1. He took bone marrow from my hip. I was on STD and I started physical therapy in January. The PT said my back and knees were so weak that I would be better off going to aquatic therapy. I did that and thought I was getting better. Well, I was. I got myself off of the Fentanyl patch by slowly tapering off. My doctor wanted me off of everything. I was originally supposed to go back to work in April, but the last time I went to PT my back had been hurting. It never stopped, I made it through that session and that was it.

My back started to click and make clicking sounds down at the fusion level. Then that turned into popping. I can feel and hear 2-3 loud pops at the base of my spine. The pain is worse now than ever! I was down to 1 30mg Oxycdone a day. I'm now back up to 3-4 a day plus muscle relaxers, Neurotin 1800 mgs, a nerve pill for anxiety, and 2-3 Norco (10 mgs each) per day. My STD ran out at work and I was required to move to LTD. I also filed for SS disability. I know this was my main question, but I wanted to give my story.

I now walk with a cane and the only way to get relief is to lay on my side with a pillow between my knees, but I'm now finding that even that doesn't work. Three weeks after I filed for SSDI I received a package in the mail. It included a daily activity form, a work history form, a form to talk about my pain some more (pain meds too), and a third party form that my wife filled out. I have a friend who told me when he first filed he got a denial letter 3 weeks later. My case looks to be different. Instead of being turned down, I've been asked for additional information. I'm miserable. I cannot do anything without increased pain. A simple task such as brushing my teeth hurts. I get ions and needles in my back and glutes when doing so. My feet are numb and tingly right now and both legs hurt so bad.

Has anyone ever filed and gotten a package like this? Is it possible I will be approved the first time due to my situation? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I walk with a cane now and I'm just bad off. I can't concentrate and I cannot sit longer than 3-5 minutes without moving to try and get comfortable, which never happens.

It sounds awful what you've been going through, unfortunately no one can say what will come your way from SSA, I know this, your age is a huge hit against you. All you can do is try and see what unfolds, but be warned, what may seem obvious disability to us can result in years of futility in pursuing SSDI.
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