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Old 07-09-2014, 06:46 AM
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Originally Posted by drpdhmr View Post
I'm only one data point, but after my last flare it took a few months before I was back to "normal". I too stuck to my usual list of medications (Mestinon, Prednison, IVIg) in my recovery.
Thank you! I needed that. I was used to going back to "normal" much sooner, so this kind of scares me. Even after full crisis periods.
Granted, those times they filled me with a whole lot of medications so maybe that's just it.

Annie, thanks again for amswering.
Yes, well, about that: I've seen too many docs already and am just tired.
I was in the hospital, mostly because of my oxygen level, and they did some tests to figure out what caused yet another flare up.
I take mestinon and a whole bunch of others, but that doesn't seem to be the cause.

I dunno, just feeling a bit mixed up you know. I am so tired, and there's this nagging feeling that something just isn't right. In the long run it al seems to get progressively worse and it makes me anxious. Guess it has simething to do with my other diseases, but none of my docs seem to really give me the blunt answers I need.
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