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Old 07-11-2014, 02:48 PM
mac80 mac80 is offline
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mac80 mac80 is offline
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Default infection friday root canal

Hi all,
Im new here and like everyone else I'm seeking help and advice.

My wife had a root canal about 4 yrs ago. Also that tooth (#8)was removed and a crown was put in. ( I do not know if it was at the same time or not) Monday she called our dentists to see if she could move up her appointment to have a cavity (differnt tooth) filled because it was causing her a lot of pain. The set the new appointment for Tuesday morning.

Tuesday she woke up with the crown aching. She thought maybe she was grinding her teeth and maybe that was why it was hurting. The dentist looked at it and then did an xray. the xray showed an infection in the space directly above where the root used to be. She was prescribed a Zpack and hydrocodone. And referred to and oral surgeon. She vomited everything up for the rest of the day/night.

Wednesday morning she woke with worse pain and a migraine and continued vomiting. Feeling like she was going to pass out, muscle cramps and weakness. The ER changed her antibiotic to clindamycin. And gave her an IV and toradol, benadryl, phenigrin (sp?) For her migraine. (This is a regular shot she gets for migraines) later they gave her stadol for pain and migraine cuz the other stuff didnt work. Once the IV was done we were dischaged. She started the clindamycin that afternoon. Vomited only a couple time. ( with the help of a dissolving anti nausea med)

Thursday she woke up with her upper lip swollen, pressure in her mouth face head. Back to dentist, who told her keep taking meds. If it gets worse go to the ER and ask for IV antibiotics. That night she called me at work to tell me her sister was taking her to the Er because the swelling had spread up to her eyes, over her nose, and across her cheeks. When I arrived at the ER, they were about to give her meds for an allergic reaction and some morphine for pain. No IV fluids no antibiotics. When I asked why I was told the dr think it was necessary. Even tho the dentist did. He refused to call and talk to the dentist. And even questioned how the dentist even knew it was for sure an abscess. I informed him the dentist saw it on an xray and the dentist told us to go to the ER for IV antibiotics. Needless to say they gave her one dose of amoxicillin in a shot and a prescription for more in pill form. Plus one for pepcide cuz that helps with face swelling and a script for benadryl. The dentist was confuse on why they thought it was allergic when the swelling was localized to the area where the abscess is.

Friday she woke with her face more swollen now its swollen down her cheeks to her jaw and she says it feels like her skin is going to split open. And I have no idea what to do or who to ask for help. As I write the we are sitting in the waiting room of her primary care Dr. Hoping he can order some IV antibiotics. So any help would be great. Also is any of this normal? Is this infection spreading? What are the risks? And what is "worse"? Cuz everyone says "if it gets worse come back to the ER" well she can barley open her mouth its so swollen, how much worse can/will it get?

Thanks for reading. Please help.
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