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Old 06-02-2007, 12:13 PM
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Oh Vanessa,

There, there, have a good cry, we're here.

I suppose you've been tested for Lyme disease? I don't mean the quick test they do if/when one happens to notice the local rash at the time of the bite, I mean the other tests they can do for late Disseminated Lyme Disease (that's when it's left untreated).

I ask because of your particular combination of fainting and very severe headaches/migraines with widespread RSD symptoms - the symptoms of DLD and RSD can be very similar.

Here are a couple of links:

And you might want to read this personal story:
because it has very useful information about how slapdash doctors are in their diagnosis of Lyme Disease, and advice on testing. BTW, ticks carry a couple of other nasty things too (this story is about a girl with 2 diseases from the same tick...yaaargghhh).

Anyway, as you know, I'm a great dog-walker, so I'm acutely aware of the ease with which dogs collect ticks, and I've had a fair few tick bites in my time. I know you were around dogs a lot before this happened - it's not beyond possibility that you had your accident around the same time as getting a tick bite you didn't notice or thought was a mozzie bite. Actually, you don't even need to have a dog to get bitten - they live on grasses and get carried on the wind.

Frankly, I'd get full tests done, if only to rule it out. If you've already had them - sorry to go on about it!

Not that any of that helps you right now! I really hope you can find some way to calm this down and get a bit more comfortable *very* soon, love you lots,
all the best
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