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Old 08-03-2014, 12:19 PM
Steve-Vancity Steve-Vancity is offline
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Steve-Vancity Steve-Vancity is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 13
8 yr Member


I am going to post this again single space but space between paragraphs, is that the proper way? I know we all have problems reading screens to varioous degrees so I apologize in a advance if this is still incorrect. I couldn't find an edit button, so I am just replying. thanks,

This is my first post, so glad to have found this forum. brief history. I am on a 16
month leave of absence from work. I gave myself my first concussion last
august, 10 days into LOA . was going to travel the world. first concuss was
much better by november so I decided to come to puerto vallarta to rest a while
in a warmer climate. I gave myself another concussion in march most of my
symptoms from the first one where gone, but still had a few.

Second one is worse, screens hurt my head where they didn't on my first one. anyway, I
found out about hbot through some research and found out the actually have
a chamber down here. it is 5 times cheaper than in canada and the states
$40 a session compared to $200. So I was quite excited to try. I have had 7
Sessions so far. the results are mixed, I noticed almost right away I could
have more meaningful conversations and actually concentrate on what I was
saying and not forget things, my head felt clearer while doing it to. The only
downside I see is I have to take one of the rickety old buses about 30 min to
get there, you are being bumped around the whole time, it is not good. I am
thinking it is doing more bad than the hbot is doing good.

To further muddle the situation
is the fact that I think I contracted some kind of bug a
couple weeks ago. at least I think it was a bug. it could be pcs flaring up I am
not sure, I was fine, well with my normal pcs symptoms until a couple weeks a
go when I drove out to a friends place in his car. it was bumpy and I don't
do well with bumpy. the next day I was walking to the store and all of sudden
my head felt full, it was like I was under water, my hearing was different to. I
felt a little dizzy. I came home and rested and haven't felt really better from

I get nausea in the mornings. I had vertigo once. I went to a doc and
they gave me some parasite pills you take for 3 days but they didn't do
anything. see then ordered a blood lab to see if there was any bacteria etc,
that was clean except my cholesterol was 221, not bad for a 47 year old, and
I am not overweight. she tried to tell me that was causing all my symptoms
wrote me a script for a statin...I haven't taken any as I really don't think that
is it. anyway, I went to a TNE guy after I had vertigo on morning in my bed.
he could recreate it in his office but gave me a script for serc. haven't had
vertigo since but lots of dizzyness especially if I move around to fast. mostly
in the mornings that bothers me.

I am wondering if I should continue to take
rickety bouncy old bus to get hbot or not. it is so cheap here I feel compelled
get it. but I don't want to do more damaand all opinions because I feel all alone with this down here. my plan was to
40 treatments and then fly home to canada. mexico is not a great place to
have a concussion as it is loud, it is just a loud culture. I apologize if this is a
little long, thanks in advance.
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