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Old 08-07-2014, 11:43 PM
Mom_2_4 Mom_2_4 is offline
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Mom_2_4 Mom_2_4 is offline
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Default Narcolepsy anyone?

So I'm a bit freaked out and relieved to know that my sleep doc believes I have narcolepsy. He interviewed me for 2 hours and without any knowledge by me, I described my symptoms to a "t" of narcolepsy. Without cataplexy, but the other 4 major symptoms are me perfectly.

I've suffered my whole life of not getting enough sleep no matter how much I get. And have struggled with staying awake during daytime hours. My best hours are late at night when my brain seems to think it's time to wake up. So basically my sleep/wake center in my brain is all screwed up.

Without any prior knowledge of the sleep study I had done 3 years ago, the sleep doc went on to explain that typically sleep studies of narcoleptics show that they have frequent "arousals" during their sleep and that they do not stay in the deep sleep phase for long enough. This is EXACTLY what my sleep study showed from 3 years ago. The doctor was aghast that no one diagnosed me then but it was my primary who ordered it and then treated me with some simple sleeping pills basically shrugging her shoulders saying I just get poor quality sleep. I didn't know any better so I went with it. Fast forward 3 years and the sleeping pills haven't been doing jack for me for a long time and I'm out of steam again. I can't sleep enough. Everything around me is falling apart and I feel literally sick because I'm so sleep deprived after 12 hours of sleep. Makes no sense, right? Of course all my blood work is normal. And I've been down the depression path so many times that I've just given into the fact that I just must be super depressed and no meds help. Then BAM! I find this sleep doc who is convinced he knows what is up.

Well, the next step is an overnight sleep study followed by a study where you stay awake for 2 hrs then nap for 20 mins off and on like 4 or 5 times. They are looking to see who quickly you fall asleep and if you enter REM sleep during those naps (you're not supposed to until about 90 mins into your sleep).

In the mean time doc has me on stimulants during the day and sleeping aids at night. But after the sleep studies are complete (even if they don't totally conclude narcolepsy) he says I have so many of the symptoms he recommends a drug called Xyrem. He swears by it.

Anyway, I'm just wondering if any of you have been down this path and what has worked for you. I'm very hopeful. But I'm scared too. My husband almost left me due to all of this. He has thought for years I'm just unmotivated and lazy, no matter how many times I've assured him that THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG!!!!

I pray this works!!!! Would love to hear your stories!
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