Originally Posted by sinisterporpoise
Losing 50 pounds caused it. I was doing fine with excess weight. The fat was protecting me.
At the moment, I'm almost at the two month mark. I hope it does resolve on its own.
Someone asked what medication the doctor prescribed. I went to the emergency room initially. They said it was muscle spasms and gave me 800 milligrams of ibuprofen. The ibuprofen did nothing. The second doctor prescribed nothing. He only said to lose ten more pounds. Because it was an unusual encounter at a free clinic, I understand their reluctance to prescribe expensive pain medications.
During this time, I did break into some pain medication left over from a kidney stone. I was reluctant to keep it, but it did work. Fortunately, I only had a small amount left. If anyone wonders, the pain from the kidney stone was worse, but this is almost as bad at times.
As for work, I am going to have to do something. The job requires standing the whole time, although I'm sure I might be allowed to sit down with a doctor's note. The supervisor is letting me sit down from time to time, but it's not helping when I need to stand for long periods of time. I also have to go off the floor to do it. In the meantime, I've started using a cane to relieve some of the pressure on the nerve.
I've had MP for 8 years now. Standing too long bothers it, laying on my bac kin one place too long bothers it. There are other triggers as well. I've had injections, the nerves cauterized, tried multiple meds. The only med that makes it bearable is GAbapentin. My leg is still numb and I have the burning pains when I aggravate it but it is at the tolerable point. Good luck in finding what works for you. I understand the frustrations you are going through.