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Old 06-05-2007, 08:44 PM
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Hi Vanessa,

Well, here's what I'm thinking (but I'm no doctor, LOL!) and I'm so glad you've got this appt coming up so soon.

They're treating you for RSD, seems to me pretty much comprehensively, you're taking something for all the manifestations; but it's only helping a little. Right? That may be the best that can be done, apart from juggling the meds, it seems really hard to get this thing under control. Hope it's not, though.

So, if they suspect MS as well, perhaps they should give you a course of treatment for MS. I've read a little (not much though) about it, and everyone seems to be saying that the earliest you are treated, the better - here's a link, there are many others if you google, but this is a good one - it says new research suggests one should be treated even before being diagnosed:

My main question for the doc would be: if you take the MS treatment meds (interferon-based, I think) and it turns out you *don't* have MS, will it do any harm to you? Now it might, which would knock this idea on the head instantly, but from what I've read I don't think it will. So if it wouldn't cause further damage, then I can't see any reason not to try it. I believe it makes you feel fluey to begin with, but that wears off. Anything that might help and won't worsen your present condition, whether it's RSD, MS or the Green Heebyjeebies, is worth a shot. If there would be added risks, then that's another story.

I have a host of conditions coexisting, none of them too severe yet (apart from those damn migraines), but I have to take a kind of "wholistic" approach - and by that, I mean that I have to treat either whatever is most troublesome at any given time, or my physical condition as a whole (which includes *all* my ailments) - a balancing act.

I imagine the MS forum here will probably be able to answer a lot of questions too, if you haven't already visited it.

Just a thought...worth discussing it with the doc?
Good luck with the appointment, tell the doc everything..if you don't see this till after your appt, and think this idea is worth looking into, call him.
all the best

Last edited by artist; 06-06-2007 at 09:57 AM. Reason: stuff...
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