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Old 10-01-2014, 03:06 PM
Pamissotired Pamissotired is offline
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Pamissotired Pamissotired is offline
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Hello again thank you for your continued help . Sorry I feel like I'm beating a dad dog with all these posts but I still have not found relief and it is so nice to talk about it. Gives me an idea of what to do. I found this post on the internet describing someone else's tooth pain that describes what I had been feeling.

"However, a few days ago, I felt a 'vibrating' pain in this tooth. (This was not a rootcanaled tooth mine was) It didn't hurt when I ate anything, but after eating or late in the night I would notice this vibrating pain. The 'pain' got worse, and when I tried to pay attention to exactly what I was feeling, I noticed that what I was really feeling was an "itching" sensation in the core of the tooth. (Yes! Me too)

I notice when either I grind my teeth, or if I chew on a napkin over this tooth, or even run a toothbrush back and forth over it...I feel relief - as it I'm scratching an itch. Very strange. (Yes me too I loved chewing or grinding this tooth as that felt better)

I can see the tooth and I don't see any swelling, discoloration or rotting appearance. The tooth feels sound and solid, it isn't loose. Just this 'itching' feeling in the root.
Someone responded to her with

i had a very similar experience to yours, part of a filling came out after chewing a toffee and left a small cavity!! NO PAIN...just a funny sensation when eating or pressing down. brushing was ok but i started to bite my teeth together to relieve the funny pressure. a couple of months later, amazing tooth and jaw ache, sleepless nights and lots of headaches! I went to the dentist (too late) and after xrays was told i had a small abcess under the tooth which was tingling and causing infection, i wish with hindsight that I went straightaway to get it sorted, the tooth had to be extracted under general anesthetic (2 month waiting list) as the roots of the tooth were crooked and my, by now, large abcess scraped out! Antibiotics, time off work in pain, swollen cheek. not good. Please go to your dentist as soon as possible, be brave and get it seen to. your itching sensation could turn out nasty. stop it before it gets worse. good luck.

So I have gone to the dentist they see nothing. I have had a re root canal done, didn't fix it(though I didn't give it a lot of time...). Now I've had an extraction and still feel this itchy pain like I need to grind this now missing tooth. Plus a pain pressure in the gums where the tooth was. No sharp or stabbing pain just this constant deep ache itch. The cheek temple pain I think could be from tense muscles on that side? Now it's starting to feel like it's the tooth behind the now extracted tooth. Also my the two teeth in front (the canine and second incisor) are still pressure sore. So this super long was just to see if this better explanation would help at all. Any ideas?

Oh I almost forgot I'm seeing a facial pain doctor next Friday not sure if this is going to be a waste of money but I'm hoping some help will come out of it.

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