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Old 10-16-2014, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Hannajane View Post
Thank you all! I am trying my best to push for quick action but can only move at the specialists snails pace which is driving me bonker. Thank you for Shari g what you did that worked for you! It's ironic that you mention mirror therapy as I just brought that up at my dr apt on Monday and he acted as though I were off my rocker. to me it had sounded promising. I think perhaps I should find a different dr but time is not on my side and I know that.
I bet that most of us here have had multiple doctors look at us like we had two heads

I can really only speak from anecdotal evidence of course - but I can say 100% that mirror therapy worked demonstrably as a modality for me. And research studies show it has progressively less effectiveness based on the duration of any condition. Having read through all of your previous posts here I see that you are dealing with a recent surgical trauma from earlier this year, although you have a past history of recovery from RSD as an adolescent/teen.

Some of us are more prone than others based on a multitude of factors - but the first line of defense after any trauma - be it an accident, surgery, etc - I think should be boosting the body's immune system with antioxidants, and reintroducing GENTLE motion in the affected area within 48 hours of the initial trauma. The old "use it or lose it" adage applies. Mirror therapy helps override the RSD "guarding" instinct and lets us use it with progressively less pain over time.

For my affected leg I bought a full length mirror, sat on the couch, and did simple range of motion movements behind it while looking at the image of my "good" leg doing the same stuff. Left/right, up/down, and rotational movement. Made uppercase and lowercase ABCs.

It wouldn't be too difficult to put together a mirror box for your hand/arm.

The best thing about it for me (besides the noticeable improvement that came in about 2 weeks) was that I was taking my recovery into my own hands and not relying on the agonizingly slow medical system
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