Thread: Kundalini yoga
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Old 10-18-2014, 03:20 AM
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Originally Posted by mimc View Post
I have not taken that type of yoga but take various other yoga classes. I often have to take an extra half a mestinon before class
Things really started to turn around for me when I started doing Kundalini Yoga. I actually decided to take the teacher training because I started to feel my system getting stronger as i committed to daily classes. Sometimes it was hard, and it was very difficult to get through the Kriyas, but they have deep, restorative rests built into each class, and meditations as well that develop the brain and nervous system, and seem to get all of one's various parts and components online and talking to each other. I will say it is hard work, you will sweat, you will shake, and you will be uncomfortable, but it is *worth it. And as hard as the work is, there is joy and freedom in it, and it is not as hard as dealing with severe disability!

It was, and still is sometimes a combination of guesswork and intuition about how much to push, and when. I just tried to keep up as well as I could.. and it's worked. Yogi Bhajan, who brought the traditional Kundalini teachings to North America in the 60s said, "Keep up, and you will be kept up," and "There is a way through every block," (Second Aquarian Sutra), and in taking a leap of faith into the teachings and "keeping up" by applying the technologies daily, I've not only been kept up, but I've found a way through the "block" of MG. I have been able to regain enough health and energy to work again, and have pretty well normal energy and function. I need to be careful though, and make sure I don't have too much on my plate, but I have healed a lot! And know I can heal even more through this technology.

I recommend everyone with MG make a commitment to doing it.. even starting small with some online Kundalini breath techniques if you are really sick now, or gentle postures. Take mestinon if you need to, but after doing it a while, when you feel some natural strength returning, experiment and see if you can wean off as your system begins to come online with the Kundalini work. I admit, I've been "lucky" with my MG trajectory, and have only taken Mestinon when weak, then when I get some strength back, i reduce it again and go off of it entirely. I now haven't had to take it in 9 months or so (after a brief relapse during a stressful move, I had to take it for 3 days). I've reacted so badly to medications previously I really don't want to take any more than absolutely necessary, and started to focus on using other means to get my body to heal, and my efforts in Kundalini yoga have really paid off! I am now teaching it. Rather than take an acetylcholine reuptake inhibitor, I decide to see if I could retrain my body to manufacture more acetylcholine and repair the damage done to the receptors, and re-learn how to work as designed. Kundalini yoga really works on the glandular system, governing healthy immunity, oxygenates all cells, and repairs and develops the nervous system.

I recommend taking classes from teachers who teach as per Yogi Bhajan, the traditional, time-tested methods and not "hybridized" or diluted in any way, and done as they have been designed for hundreds of years to awaken one's physical and energetic system. I am happy to recommend specific kriyas if anyone is interested, or please go to and Spirit Voyage for more information.

Best of luck to all in healing.. Treena <3
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