Thread: Change in sz.
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Old 10-24-2014, 04:00 PM
Porkette Porkette is offline
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Porkette Porkette is offline
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Hi tos8,
I had a change in sz. yrs. ago and it sounds like you may be having complex parital sz. but I may be wrong. Often when this happens to me I will start to see colors in my eyes or I will try to be talking and all of the sudden the words won't come out, my Dr. has told me this is a simple partial (aura) sz. and then it leads into a complex partial sz. where I sometimes wander around or just sit there and do nothing but I don't realize what has happened then when the sz. is over I am very confused and exhausted. During the simple partial sz. I am conscious but when I go into the complex partial sz. I blank out. It's like having 2 different sz. at the same time the simple partial sz. leads into the complex partial sz.
Since I began having complex partial sz. I would be very moody and have a hot temper. This has happened because both sides of my temporal lobe along with my frontal lobe are firing up triggering this type of sz. and it's the frontal lobe that controls a persons behavior.
Take note if you are having more sz. in the fall and winter compared to the spring and summer. If you notice this start sitting around bright lights more because they have found that sometimes a person will have more sz. at certain times of the yr. because they are getting to much or to little serotonin. I have found I have more sz. in the fall and winter so I sit around bright lights and that helps but during the spring and summer I have a lot less sz. because there's more serotonin out there. Here's wishing you the best of luck and May God Bless You!
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