Thread: Stress and PN
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Old 06-08-2007, 12:33 PM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Default Here's something I don't understand!!

I've wanted to bring this up and your title of this thread has allowed me to do such a thing.

I have diabetic neuropathy. Got diagnosed over a year from Cornell. My sugar is fine, has been fine (exept for very occasional highs in the a.m. but has nothing to do with my food). So when I got the burning and the buzzing a few months ago, I started the Methyl B-12. I read all about it, I read that sometimes when nerves heal, (takes a long time for them to heal, I completely understand this), well I read that it might be uncomfortable for a bit as they are healing. I understand this.

Now I know the weather greatly affects my PN. We have had stupid weather, where it drops to 50, then the next day it's 95, and humidity is 100 and you go nuts. So I know that sometimes, my feet will burn. And then it stops. But I deal with it.

But, (and here's the strange part), lately (with the nutty weather), it feels like ants are crawling all over my body. Doesn't happen all the time. But it makes my skin feel dirty. Now this could be because I'm having a reaction to a new soap, or the washing detergent, I really have no idea.

The other night, it looked like it wanted to rain. It was dark and gloomy, but no rain. Then the sun came out. It was like the weather got confused. Well, so did my body. All over my body, the feelings were nutty. Even my hands. They burned for like 10 seconds. Then it stopped. Otherwise I felt fine. No balance problems, everything was absolutely normal. However, my sugar, upon arising that morning was 170. After my shot of lantus, it stabilized. I had been allowing myself a baked potato at dinner time and one of my muffins during the day. I can no longer do that. I notice that if my sugar is going above 130, this happens (and the weather doesn't help).

So as of yesterday, no more baked potato at dinner and no more muffin during the daytime. This morning my sugar was 124. So for me, that's okay. My goal is to get it too 100. This will take some time I know this.

But I am very new to this whole neuropathy thing. I thought it was only in my feet.

Now lets' talk how stress affects it.

I was having a good day two days ago. Felt fine, no burning, I take my b-12 5000 methyl, Some days I put two under my tongue.

Well, two nights ago, my son called us up (he's a gambler and lives 3000 miles away and has aspergers disorder). I have learned to disassociate my thinking from my son's problems. It's the only way to survive. His behavor has been atrocious and I am a person who believes that people with addictions should be completely accountable for their actions and their behaviors. I've been to enough support groups to completely understand this.

So here's my son calling me on the phone saying "I have a proposal for you, I'd like to move back home". In 30 seconds, my feet were on fire. I could not believe this. It's like my whole body went absolutely bonkers.

Even the thought of him walking in my door makes me ill (please do not think bad of me, believe me I have my reasons to feel this way).

So Alan got on the phone and we found out he wants to move to Oregon (he says ) because of the clean air and no sale tax. He wants to come here, pay us rent and save money, then move out again and go to Oregon. (We have since read in the paper that Oregon is the only state that allows physicians to write prescriptions for terminally people to end their own lives.

We cannot allow our son to come back home. This is not going to happen and we carefully and gently made him see that. There was no fight, no exchange of bad words. We ended very nicely.

But my body was going crazy. It's 3 days later and while it's calmed down, I know my body was reacting to my son. Years ago, it used to spasm. I used to have chest spasms and bladder spasms (all from stress).

I've been so much better (even dealing with Alan's stuff), but it's peaceful here.

I cannot believe that one phone call from my son would trigger my body to react in such a way.

How can I heal my body?? Also, do you think that the b-12 is making the nerves heal, and that's why they flared up??? See, I'm not sure what happened.

Thanks, Melody



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