Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 326
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 326
My doctor said my tinnitus was neurological in a matter of fact way. I guess if someone is hit near the ear it would be both. Without a thorough examination it would be hard to judge. Mines calmed down to the point I hardly notice it in the day, and it doesn't always bother me at night except sometimes when I wake in the night. Ive never been able to work out why I wake after about 4 hours. On a few occasions I've had up to 6 1/2 maybe 7 hours when I've been beat but then I find it hard to sleep the following night. I complained to my elderly mother the other day and she just said the body takes the sleep it needs lol. Not sure ma.
Concussion 28-02-2014 head butted a door edge. .
Symptoms overcome: Nausea, head pressure, debilitating fatigue, jelly legs, raised pulse rate, night sweats, restlessness, depersonalisation, anxiety, neck ache, depression.
Symptoms left: Disturbed sleep, some residual tinnitus.