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Old 12-01-2014, 11:44 PM
KevinC KevinC is offline
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KevinC KevinC is offline
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Help Post-Concussion Syndrome: Advice?

Hi all,

So, about 7 months ago, near the end of May, I was playing rugby for a school game and had suffered, in my opinion, a concussion. I was tackled from behind and then the tacklers knee had gone into the back off my head, while an oncoming defender's knee went into the front of my head. I blacked out for 2 seconds and had felt like I smashed my head into a brick wall. I remember looking up and not knowing who was standing over me and then all of a sudden, I could remember everything (the score, the field, the half, etc.) and continued to play. I finished the game, but felt nauseated throughout, with it only increasing after I had stopped playing. I also remember me not being able to not stop shaking, I had ringing in my ears, sensitivity to light/noise, dazed/foggy. I did not go to a hospital or doctors to get checked up on.

Now, I had a soccer game the day after, and was defending a corner and headed the ball and had severe ringing in one ear and couldn't hear anything for 2-3 minutes. Still did not get checked up on. That weekend, I had a soccer tournament in Pittsburgh. Saturday, I felt fine, with little dizziness/nausea. However, on Sunday, I was defending a free kick and went up for a header and I don't remember anything after that. I do remember, again, looking up and I could not tell which coach was standing over me (I have 4 coaches). I was down until the nurse come out and escorted me off the pitch. I originally thought I had hit my head on an attackers head as it felt like I hit a brick wall, but video evidence shows that there is not a soul around me. I finally went to see as doctor after I returned to Canada.

So, ever since then, my sleep pattern has been off, I can't sleep properly, I have a nagging headache and I get major mood swings. I went until the last week of Sept. with minimal symptoms. I was doing a football drill for school and me and a player collided, not seeing each other. I had hit him hard enough with my head, that I ruptured his spleen and I blacked out. I did not get checked up on and have been having symptoms to this day. Ever since that incidence, I have had approx. 10-15 "concussive situations" , from me hitting my head on a table, to getting hit in the head during football season. I do not feel the same, I feel like I've changed as a person. I've lost motivation for certain things, I get tired easily, very irritable, major mood swings and a nagging headache. Just recently, I ran two 200m race within 5 mins. and immediately felt nauseated and 20 mins. later, threw up.

I would like to know if I should see a doctor immediately, or if all of this is in my head and all of these incidents to my head are just making me paranoid?
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