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Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 1
New Member
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 1
Paranoid Schizophrenic Boyfriend
My bf or is he former bf, I don't know...he filed an injunction against us because he was delusional and hearing started out that he was afraid I was going to die and it was his fault..we loved each other deeply I still love him but am not really sure he still loves me although he told ms so three times that he loved me more than he ever loved his wife now dead the last three years..I am so heartbroken..the judge knew he was mentally ill and made us promise not to see each other for a year though the injunction was withdrawn..Michael was hearing voices telling him to kill someone that he was a murderer and yet told me he was deeply in love with me..when I called for the hearing he was laughing with this person who helped him file the injunction and saying he wasn't crazy that I was December I emailed him and told him if he ever did that again I would tell the judge that he was hearing voices telling him he was a murderer and to kill people..I then told him in detail that the judge would probably have him taken to the hospital and involuntarily committed and that if he ever did that again I would tell him EVERYTHING...Michael is keeping his emails unblocked and still seems to want to hear from me but never replies...does he still care about me? He formerly would just keep me blocked but now seems to want to hear from us, my son and me...I cannot believe he stopped loving me only that he is sick...can anyone help me with this?