Thread: Sleep paralysis
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Old 01-21-2015, 01:13 PM
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EnglishDave EnglishDave is offline
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Cool Smirk Lucid Dreams, Sleep Paralysis AND Apnea???

Dr. Smith's post above opened my eyes into an unknown World, as with everyone I thought I was alone, but with most problems I have, mine seems to be twisted. So here is a peek into the subconscious mind of an anxiety-ridden, pain wracked Englishman, my friends.
It always starts up to 15 minutes before conclusion (ex has heard me and done nothing). This is the latest event, all are similar. I am always aware it is a dream at some level.
I was trapped on the bottom bunk of a set of beds wrapped tightly in bedding(I use none - allodynia) with my face pressed against a cold, mouldy wall(no wall). My arms are heavy, numb, dead weights tied to my side as I struggle for breath. I feel as though some presence is coming for me. It is at this point I know I am dreaming.
I struggle in the dream, trying to move my arms(sometimes legs) and start shouting to wake myself up. When I was with my ex she sometimes left me shouting for 10-15 minutes before shaking me. The panic rises, leaving me bordering on an Anxiety Attack whilst asleep. This went on for an inordinant length of time until I shouted loud enough to wake myself.
This time, as always, when I woke I was disorientated, out of breath, and my arms (sometimes legs) were totally numb. It is very disconcerting and happens 2-3 times a month.
I sleep poorly, no more than 3 hours at a time due to my conditions, and snore(possible apnea?).
There, twisted!

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