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Old 01-29-2015, 09:05 PM
J_Wolf22 J_Wolf22 is offline
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J_Wolf22 J_Wolf22 is offline
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I just went for a routine eye exam and he did a bunch of tests that seemed to be able to show my vessels in my eye (there was some images taken), but not sure that it was an angiogram. He checked my coratid arteries when I spoke to him about the loss of vision thing and said they seemed find with his stethoscope. He recommended I get some cardiology tests done since it had been a few years and that loss of vision could indicate not getting blood flow. That being said, the vision loss thing is much less frequent than the chest pains, which is my primary concern. I threw a lot of symptoms in there to maybe see if they are related.

I actually probably am not getting as much omega 3 as I should, I used to take supplements of fish oil and also take flax seed but haven't in quite some time. I will start taking again and see what happens.

Does it sound like an angiogram for my heart may be in order or to request it? Is the radiation a concern? I read somewhere that normal tests like EKGs or Cs, may not show if there is a condition of hardened arteries in the back of the hard or something to that nature.

Thanks much for posting this up and also for the replies.

Originally Posted by mrsD View Post
Welcome to Neurotalk:

I have to wonder about your diet... are you vegetarian?
Do you have Omega-3's in your diet? Flax oil, or fish?

Have you had your B12 measured? This losing vision...did you have an angiogram of your retina? Blood flow in the eye, is very sensitive to inflamed arteries. The temporal arteries can get inflamed and cause problems with the eye, and the sounds you hear in the ear. I had a stroke in my left eye about a decade ago and the eye doctor was very on top of that.

Low B12 will result in elevated homocysteine which can affect the small vessels in the eye before the other larger ones in the body. Homocysteine inflames the lining of the blood vessels and eventually causes heart attacks and strokes.

So I think you should have B12 tested, and tests for temporal arteritis. Are you lifting weights? If so I'd stop for now and see if things change. Lifting puts huge strains on blood vessels in the head.
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