Originally Posted by Annie4
Hi there. I'm new here but I've been reading a lot of previous threads. I don't know where I should post since I have neuro symptoms but I don't have a dx. One neurologist said I have neuropathy so I'll begin here.
History: I'm a young mom with 4 small children. No previous health issues except c-sections. 7 months ago I started having a buzzing in the bottom of my left foot. Moved to both but worse in left. Intermittent at the time but now it's constant. A month after that I woke up with my upper legs, lower arms, backs of hands and cheeks with a mild burning/itching. I dismissed it for a few weeks until I realized that it bothered me to wear some clothes. Right toes go cold every few minutes for the last few months. Muscles twitching in various places and a jittery/shaking muscle movements are the only visible symptoms. This summer I noticed a decrease in sensation in most places on my face, arms and legs. Light touch only. But i register cold and warm still. Just last week I get rain drop feelings all over my body.
I started having headaches a year ago after never getting them so I had an MRI. Looked good. Then they did another for vascular. Looked good. Blood tests all came back normal. CBC, vit.D, ANA, B12, TSH, celiac disease...
I was referred to a neurologist in another city and he did ANOTHER MRI and found nothing on my spine but a spot on my brain. He said I might have the beginning of MS. But also said my spot was not causing my symptoms! The neuroradiologist said the spot could have been picked up by stronger magnets in the last MRI machine. So maybe it was there all along.
I saw a naturopathic doctor convinced that someone is missing something. She sent away for an expensive nutritional panel. It came back that I was low b12, selenium and fructose sensitive. All of my doctors are dismissing this nutritional panel. Saying that some labs are not legitimate or that previous tests said I was fine.
My mom has hypothyroidism and got it after her 4th baby. I thought that was what I was going to have. I don't know what to do now. My neuro that found the spot said I could have a lumbar puncture. Should I do this to rule out more things? Also, I have developed high anxiety over all of this medical stuff, although I've always been a worrier. One doctor told me this was all caused by anxiety. Extremely hard to believe but I'm not the doctor. Does that mean this is harmless or still damaging? My nervous system feels inflamed. I feel like it has been stuck in fight or flight mode for months, even when I am having fun (which might be the shaky muscles). I don't know where to go from here. I'm so down right now. Any suggestions or advise would be so great. Thanks for taking the time.
Neurontin 100mg 2x/day for burning sensation
Doxycycline hyclate 100mg 1/day for skin rash
No meds previous to this to cause problems.
HI Annie,
when I read ur post I can match with all ur symptoms..even I suffer from all starge symptoms burning,tingling,fasiculationrain drop sensation etc,but no Doc is able to give proper diagnosis,even I am suffering from all these issues post c section...,let me know what further test you have doneand want to know about ur diagnosis so that I can also ask my doc to do it for me...