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Old 02-14-2015, 02:47 PM
JoannaP79 JoannaP79 is offline
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JoannaP79 JoannaP79 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
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Posts: 246
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Originally Posted by mrsD View Post
Do you recall which antibiotic? Most of those used for urinary tract infections cause PN.
(nitrofurantoin, Cipro, Levaquin, etc)
Mrs D, I cant recall the name of the antibiotic but I was feeling ropey before the antibiotics. I only took one course of them as well. I have just started taking a probiotic for my stomach.
I do feel like this must be autoimmune as I have an autoimmune disease already and although they say this is unrelated, i believe it must be.
I am going to pursue more bood tests such as ANA as suggested. My rheumy discourages me pursuing any more blood tests. He just says oh you have spondylitis so that explains this etc etc. It doesnt explain this.
I will try all the suggested supplements so thank you for that :-)
I am so eager to understand exactly what I have and why this is happening so that I might be able to identify treatment for the underlying cause. I would love to hear from anyone with autoimmune mediated neuropathy and what treatment they had and has it helped?
Thank you all for your time, it is so comforting. to speak to others going through this. When I have spoken to friends, they dont even know what the term neuropathy means. I guess they wouldnt as you probably only know it when you get affected by it. Happy to have found the group.
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