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Old 02-25-2015, 03:09 AM
MAT52 MAT52 is offline
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MAT52 MAT52 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
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Originally Posted by en bloc View Post
I know the idea of "idiopathic" and having no real answer to attach to your symptoms isn't a comforting one. But as long as you have the appropriate treatment, the time without that answer passes a little easier.

So your focus at this point might best be directed at finding the treatment that works best for you. Of course, continuing your search for answers should continue.

The skin biopsy would at least provide you with details as to severity and may open doors for better treatments like IVIG. I understand that may not be possible in your current location, but once you move it may become a reality.

Maybe I missed it somewhere, but what are the exact symptoms you have with your stomach? I only recall reading about pain...what else is going on there and what tests have you had done. I ask because what is going on there, may help direct you to the overall problem elsewhere.
Thanks en bloc - my stomach issues are bloating if I don't eat but even worse bloating within 30 minutes after food. I feel sick and often get a gnawing sensation daily and sometimes a nasty pain in my upper abdomen. I don't have bowel issues since quitting gluten four years ago - it's all in my upper GI tract and makes me belch and my tummy gurgles all night. If I drink any alcohol or eat late or have too many tomato based foods it's worse and I get sick.

I also have a foul taste 24/7 which worsens with certain drugs - lost my sense of taste and smell and only eat sweet or salty foods to try and get shot of this bad taste. Had dental checks and my oral hygene and teeth are very good so it's not decay.

Tests - I had a full abdominal scan about 20 months ago. This just confirmed longstanding gallstones too large to worry about and a large benign cyst on one kidney. Two GPs have blamed dyspepsia but the woman I saw the other day thinks it may be a hiatus hernia or small ulcer and has referred me to the surgeon to discuss which tests might be best - should be seen in about 6 weeks for this she said. I suggested she refer me directly for an endoscopy but she said I'm too complex with RA and my other issues and best to let the surgeon decide what tests to run. I don't have any heartburn.

I feel it is all connected but doctors need us to stick to one set of synptoms at a time I understand.
If you get lemons, make lemonade

Sjögren’s, Hashimoto’s and Systemic Sclerosis with Raynaud’s, Erythromelagia and small fibre polyneuropathy, GI problems top to tail, degenerative disc disease and possible additional autoimmune diseases
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